
Here’s another quote from that column.

Flame away, but transgenderism is the only mental illness with surgical body mutilation as the “cure.”

Torch, is this part of the new Gawker, and now Jalop, focus to jump in on social issues?

What makes you any more qualified to oppose his view than he is to have one?

It’d also be nice if people stopped getting upset at him for saying stupid things and being generally insulting. That’s his shtick. He insults things while being stupid.

I have a sneaking suspicion the popularity of this article it’s going to prove it’s own headline wrong. It should read “nobody ought to give a shit...”

Football players make millions because people pay billions to watch football. Nobody pays a dime to go watch the cheerleaders at a football game because they’re an unnecessary accessory, just like the pretzel vendor.

Screw the Jeep hybrid, the real story is that FCA is killing the Dart and 200. That’s insane, compact and midsize sedans are still two of the biggest segments, and Chrysler-Fiat is just giving up on them altogether. Granted the Dart and 200 don’t have a huge market share, but they’re practically the only mainstream

Cheerleaders deserve a fair wage. This should be indisputable (but sadly, is not).
However, it is hardly reasonable to argue cheerleaders deserve the same salary as the athlete’s whose game they supplement.

When a band opens for Springsteen, they’re not getting the same cut as the Boss.

NFL “cheerleaders” aren’t even real cheerleaders. They don’t follow the action, direct appropriate cheers or do any sort of routines that involve talent. They writhe, wiggle and shimmy, that’s it. They exist to comfort NFL fans lest they start to wonder why they’re so emotionally attached to large burly men in spandex

I know what it is. That’s how chopper hipsters one-up each other, by riding with one hand on the shifter to be like “I have a suicide shifter. I am soooo one-percent.” Wankers.

You did this on the Summer tires? Godspeed, my friend. Godspeed.

You are criminally under ranking the battleship:

“I am having a hard time believing a grown man wrote this. “

Depends, they have fake invoices and hold back money. But when I worked for a tier 1 supplier we got awesome discounts on infiniti/nissan so I bought a Infiniti. Part of the program required the dealer to give me a true copy of their invoice, we both sign it, and I faxed (hey this was 2001) it into the corporate

“Invoice price” is another big Fake thing. The “invoice” is not what the dealer pays for that car, it’s a suggested lowest sale price and in reality is only a sales tool to sucker... I mean negotiate with the customer.

The steering wheel and shifter are atrocious.

The fuck buisness of yours is it what someone else does with their property? You’re the problem with this country. Get over yourself.

I feel for her and while I’m glad she got her daughter back, the state and the hospital were doing their job, which was to protect the child. I’m a pediatrician and see many parents who, to be completely honest, shouldn’t be taking care of their children without help. I’m not saying everyone with some developmental

That’s not true at all. You are describing SEMI-automatic weapons. Automatic weapons (which are illegal to own without a class III firearms permit) cycle a new round and continue firing until the trigger is released.