
You two don’t realize the comment was about supply and demand?

It is very hard to make a good living doing something that anybody can do. Ironically, that is both drive an uber, and act.

Uber markets itself as simpler and cheaper than cabs because you don't need to tip. If they've changed their pricing scheme to the point where tipping is now necessary to make any money, they need to make that clear!

In defense of Microsoft: If multiple devices goes down, it probably the actual source of the connection and not the devices. No way do they all just fail at the same time.

“Nothing is the coast except for the actual part that’s by ocean, but that hardly makes it “mid” anything.”

ok, on this one there’s dickery from both sides. The little boy on the bike who thinks public roads are his own personal race track should have had his license suspended at most.

I have respect for law enforcement, but what happened here does not paint cops in a good light.

The Midwest technically starts/ends at Ohio, with Pennsylvania being the start/end of the Northeast.

Exactly. Dumb fucks don’t realize that a good portion of the east coast - from the mid-atlantic up to new england has a whole bunch of terrain that isn’t urban

It really isn’t.

Bullshit. I live in upstate NY and we have almost 2 feet of snow on the ground already, and haven’t had so much as an early release from work yet. Schools were closed that one day, though. When we got 19 inches.

Worse than the guy at the blackjack table who constantly calls it poker?

Now playing

Yep, Jay-Z is definitely the latest addendum to Sickboy’s unifying theory:

fun fact: nobody saying “you should have outrun the police” has ever had the balls to try it themselves.

No attitude here. Like I said, if you aren’t intimately familiar with what goes into such an affair - it would be reasonable to assume that the preservation of everything at the plant, and the documentation, would be a big leg up towards restarting production. Even pencil pushers/decision makers have repeated that

Tyler, take a little criticism now and then.

Funny that, because I live in the UK, ride a motorcycle, lanesplit (or filter, to use the correct term) to work in central London every day and i’ve never seen anything like what you’ve described occurring here. Incidentally, police cars in traffic often move aside a little to let motorcyclists filter through.

‘Wahh I’m sitting in traffic so everyone else should too.’

Why the hate for lane-splitting? I’ve never understood it. Are you just jealous or mad because someone is getting “ahead of you”. Be honest. BTW I dont ride a bike.

Fine with both of these, as long is it’s also entirely legal for me to seperate your wingmirror from your car when you open that door at random :)