
Given that you want this computer for games, and you bought a GTX770 (great choice), you will want to see DX11.2 working properly and the next Direct X when it arrives. You really should install Windows 8 64 bit. An OEM version is going to be very cheap now. If you really miss the Start menu, and there's no real

Not historically. I think you're thinking of the modern day Syrians of Armenian descent, but even today the country is a patchwork of different heritages. A thousand years ago it was also culturally diverse, but in a different way.

Freedom Cry was briefly ACIV DLC, but it was quickly rereleased as a standalone title. Liberations was Vita-exclusive for one year because Sony paid for that, but it is a full title now across all platforms except new gen.

Okay, but I'm not sure why you'd only select his ancestors given that they're talking about the series in general.

Altair's mother is a white Christian, presumably European. Only his father is a non-white Muslim. Although they're not related to Desmond, you might be forgetting Aveline and Adéwalé.

Yeah, very weird. The trailer they go on about being a trick showed profiling, listening in on phone calls, hacking traffic lights to cause an accident, a shoot-out and big explosions: all of which are in the final game, except better.

Seriously though. Rockstar, with 2 and a third non-white protags and no women whatsoever. In fact, name any action-adventure AAA publisher and it's not looking too good for them.

Yeah. There's this weird thing where lots of people are saying, "Well, the hacking's obviously bullshit, because I can't always hack my way out of everything and sometimes I'm forced to use guns". It's pretty obvious that the game is broken into stages where you have a choice, and other stages which are all about

Well, I'm sure you have reviewers you trust and whose tastes align well with yours. Maybe Kotaku's Kirk suits your position best and his "No" review would be right for you, or maybe you often agree with Giant Bomb's staff. A lot of famously cynical, anti-bullshit reviewers have been very positive about it, though.

What, mostly 8s and 9s?

There is a limit of sorts. There are many situations in which, if you walk in shooting, the enemies will all converge on you at once and take your head off. It steers you as much as it can towards the comparatively subtle play styles while leaving the door open to ultra-violence should you require it.

Preorders can be cancelled, especially if you irritate your customers. You're seeing duplicity where there is none. You're angry you'll have to wait to play Batman, and I get it, but it doesn't mean there's a conspiracy to fuck you over. The game was worth far more to them coming out in the window they'd planned, when

Ah nice, thanks for the information! If only they'd made it available for Windows Phone :)

That would be the only reason they didn't want reviews to go public, except that's not what happened. Journalists talk a lot more casually about embargoes now, and if you look for it they'll happily explain when asked about when Game X's review is coming that it'll be arriving on release day, or when the embargo

That's what I meant with my last paragraph :)

That's extremely unfair. If these girls are indeed mentally ill, you couldn't talk the crazy out of them with simple good parenting. I'm sure your mum did a great job and you were a great kid, but don't assume that if either you or your mum found yourselves as the parent of kids like these that you could straighten

Assuming they really did this because of Slenderman and not simply because they hated the victim, I doubt the absence of Slenderman in their lives would have made any difference. There's always "The Devil made me do it", besides a hundred other myths they could have latched onto.

Kids are not getting worse by the generation. They're getting better. The perception is that life is getting more dangerous and more violent in the US and UK, but rates of violent crime are dropping. Teen pregnancy rates have been falling continuously for 20 years, way down on the levels of my childhood. These moral

Ha ha! I'm just jealous, really. THAT room. In MANHATTAN.