Another +1 for a Montessori education! My daughter has been in a Montessori school since age three and is now 14. Sadly, this is her last year in this truly amazing environment.
Another +1 for a Montessori education! My daughter has been in a Montessori school since age three and is now 14. Sadly, this is her last year in this truly amazing environment.
Shlepping his own backpack, no less! I see 4th and 5th graders at my kid’s school who still rely on their Sherpa parents to carry their own shit.
I’d be surprised if they don’t have at a Star Wars prequel reboot in 5 years (I think Episode IX is supposed to be out in 2019). They’re already going back in the chronology with Rogue One and they have Boba Fett and Han Solo spinoffs in the works if I’m not mistaken, so I’m thinking they’re already setting the…
I get irrationally angry at any semblance of criticism for the The Force Awakens. I know people have issues, I get it, it’s your opinion, whatever. I saw it twice in theaters. It was simultaneously a great Star Wars movie, and a great sci-fi movie. Fuck off and fight me if you don’t agree.
Yeah, his argument is a cockeyed from the outset. He’s an adulterer who’s attacking the woman for having an adulterous husband. Wah? Somehow this is supposed to convince women that he’s the better choice? Hillary’s public approval ratings were at their highest during the Lewinski thing. She conducted herself as the…
You can also get it without being fat. Seriously, it’s happened to a couple of people I’ve known who are fit and trim, yet somehow get type 2 diabetes. Looking at his picture there, even though you can just see his face, he doesn’t even look chunky to me.
Kind of like the daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne who refused to have anything to do with the show or her family’s famewhoring?
I’ve always felt kind of badly for Rob Kardashian. I don’t watch the show so I might be totally wrong, but any time I’ve seen photos or stories about him it seems like he is not on board with his family’s whole “living our lives under a microscope” thing. It would suck to be famous like that if you did not want to be.
Great point. And sometimes even in Buddhism, women who choose spiritual and monastic lives find it hard to be taken seriously.
Funny ... when Buddhists and Hindus spend lives in simplicity and contemplation, it's considered deep and meaningful. When Catholic women do it, it's considered weird and repressed. How dare they decide to devote their lives to a spiritual quest and serving others when they could be focusing on clothes, shoes, money…
But chasing a pigskin sphere around a lawn is worth $10 million a year.
Some white men will be. And we’ll all be happier for a space they avoid.
I've already seen it twice and plan on seeing it again. I will gladly hand over my money to this franchise as long as they keep churning out good movies.
It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.
RIGHT? He’s adorable. I don’t think anyone else could say “DROID PLEASE” and have it be my favorite line instead of an obnoxious anachronism.
Fkn Chewie. I was fine til... poor Chewie.
Ok that sound reasonable, seeing as far as I understand jedis have a Budist-like approach to emotions... I can see how it could happen to have a family but you would have to be somehow extraordinary to not succumb to the emotional perils of passion
Also, I loved that she’s called General Organa, not General Solo, despite having been married to Han.
they definitely have chemistry together. and Adam Driver too. Watching Rey and Ren square off was awesome.