He’s actually changed from he’s never met her to now he has never even heard of her, which is a weird claim.
He’s actually changed from he’s never met her to now he has never even heard of her, which is a weird claim.
CNN should not have had him at all. How would a Trump town hall be deemed news worthy... CNN simply sponsored a long campaign ad Trump. Isn’t this how he got elected the first time?
CNN should have grown some balls and have done live factchecking. And when he (inevitably) refused to admit he was lying, they should have ended the interview there and then.
Freedom of speech does not mean news channels are obligated to facilitate your lying to the world.
In the almost eight years that Trump has been in the political arena, the media has learned next to nothing about how to cover him. They continue to embarrass themselves in ways that actively hurt American democracy.
For someone who’s never met Carroll, Trump sure seems to know her well.
“CNN really didn’t have to give him such a serious platform tonight from which to spew his bullshit.” You got that right! I watched 10 minutes to confirm it would be another Trump shit show, and from your report, it sounds like it got worse, including his chorus of laughing hyenas.
collins should be ashamed of herself. totally lost control of the thing & outclassed. you can’t interview/moderate dump as if he is a normal, polite person...but journalists to this day still have not gotten that through their heads yet. just saw some guy talking to some NH voters - never heard such ignorant people in…
Make it make sense...President Town Drunk says he doesn’t know her but knows that she had a cat named Vagina*...
The head of CNN is attempting to siphon off FauxNews viewers...
What the fuck is going on at CNN? They've descended to Chuck Todd levels of journalistic incompetence.
“it was my fault for trying to grab your phone,”
Yeah, the "I shouldn't have grabbed your phone" part screamed victim of abuse to me. Unless the next part of that read, "because I lost my balance and smashed my face on the ground" it certainly sounds like a victim apologizing to their abuser.
The lawyer’s statement is misleading. Grabbing a phone is not the same as initiating physical force. At most the texts say she denies he strangled her. But the texts suggest the injuries do exist. The question is how did she get these injuries? Also where are the written statements recanting? The lawyer’s posturing…
Fully appreciate I may be in some small minority here, but am I the only one who raised an eyebrow at Austin Butler being described as “aggressively handsome”? I mean, I wouldn’t call him ugly, but if he was in a room full of other dudes there’s no way he would catch my eye. He’s incredibly average looking.
Don’t forget that Pitt also tried to claim that he stood up to Harvey Weinstein, but then went on to make two very good movies with Weinstein and kept quiet about all the sexual harassment, assault, and other abuse.
Oklahoma grown? His hometown is Springfield, MO. I know this as my family knows his family....
Agreed. People always romanticize old Hollywood stars, but they were just as messed up as the new ones.
Regarding fidelity in his marriage, Paul Newman once famously said, “Why go out for hamburgers when I have steak at home?”
I think many Americans (at least the GOP) are now fully immune to hypocrites whenever it fits their agenda. They truly just won’t care about this.