
Oh the life you must live unencumbered by the WASP frivolity of the inner assumption that your private space is really public space and everyone is judging you by how clean your home looks...even the people sitting 6 tables away at a restaurant you don't evendors know...

My GOD I wish I wasn't spastic about cleaning my floors and other people seeing my house looking dirty or messy....how much TIME and stress has this saved you is the real question?

All this shit is starting to make me sick. I mean, really? What the hell. I don't even have anything witty to say to these d bags. They make all Reps look like jackasses...actually, all of us because then we fight over what these jack wagons say, other countries laugh at us. I can't wait for the day when social

*standing ovation*

She's the Kristen Stewart of Ohio State fans.

Let me point put something, here: the only way society learns of oppression is from the oppressed. Gender, race, age and size discrimination are experiences that only these people can expand upon. Getting back to the article, I can commiserate with Lindy. I have been fat since grade school due to a condition called

But for some that is the way for both. You don't need it until you need it. I actually feel better about my pare st having one one because my dad works offshore and that leaves my family members (two teenage girls and my mom, who is not able to defend herself due to a neck injury) vulnerable to the overwhelmingly

I am going to have nightmares for the next week. WHY DO I STILL READ YOUR POSTS, SHRAYBER????? Every time: 'maybe this one won't make me nauseous or give me nightmares...DAMNIT!!!' You're a consistent guy, sir. Consistent.

Rat feces...rat feces....rat feces...oh no!!! MSG?!?!?!!...

There are a lot of people who carry concealed who don't think they are safe for any number of reasons. Stalkers, crazy exes, living in a bad part of the city in conditions where it is safer and cheaper to have and own a gun than it is to have to move to a nicer, possibly more expensive part of town. There are also a

And the real question....what were they pillow chatting about that created a selfie situation? Great Hair?

Oh God...Tinder in Wisconsin? Just...just no.

Hell yeah we worry about zombies in TX!!!

I find the word 'tits' to be so demeaning....they are "glorious, majestically-peaked torso mountains".

yes. That's exactly what I am going to do. TOTAL RULE #36 TURN ON.

...what's the rest of the story? Was she into it, or....?

I'm married to him...THAT is embarrassing.

I know, I think I have it, too. Two weeks every month/two months is a lot...people don't know how much this shit sucks.

hahahaa...I am writing an essay for Finals and I said the same damn thing. " Oh look, it's Shrayber"

Serious squirmage over here, love. My vulva all the way to my ovaries shudder at any mention of pelvic discomfort beca use I have such a lovely history. oh the almighty uterus doth protest!!!