
imho, the press should just publish the pragmatic assessment that Trump will never be interviewed by Meuller. This would yhen put him in the situation of choosing between admitting he’s an idiot &/or a coward or wanting so badly to prove the Liberal Media wrong that he goes and gets interviewed.

I assume that Trump has no idea of the distinction between Un and Il, or Il-Sung, for that matter.

Yup, they believe in “freedom”...for everyone they believe is fully human.

So he’s a typical libertarian then?

Of course he would never meet with Kim Jong Il.

“Look. This guy is admittedly not perfect. But he supports gun rights and standing for the anthem. And his opponent is a woman who once received classified emails through an unsecured account. So, in the end, he’s the lesser of two evils.” - White America

And trans men are men. Which is my point. A trans man is not someone’s ex-wife.

Trump didn’t just liberate racist & neo-nazi stormtroopers (dinesh de’souza), he also liberated sickos of all stripes - they are all busting out of their bunkers and don’t give a jot. Welcome to Trump’s America - strange is the new normal.

Everyone has perfectly explained what a horrible human this is.

What in the fuckiest of fucking fucks? Why is this a thing? Who screen capped this? How is this man allowed to run for office? Why the fuck isn’t this fucking man in jail? What the fuck, man!? What the fuck!?

You know why.

He’s an actual monster. I don’t believe in the death penalty, but this guy needs to be locked away somewhere where he can’t come into contact with humans. Wonkette just did a story on him, too.


What in the literal fuck?

“Ex-partner” would be quite a bit more respectful. Although this festering boil on humanity’s ass refers to them as a woman, his ex-partner was actually a trans man. Given that he took his own life, at least in part based on the abuse he suffered at the hands of this congealed pile of donkey ejaculate, the least we

I mean, it would be weird for him to meet with someone who’s been dead for seven years.

Who can make this happen?

Instead of political suicide, it would be literal suicide to meet Kim Jong Il

I hope he meets Kim Jong Il sooner than later.