
That Aryan Brotherhood face screams date rape.

She can reveal him as irretrievably weak and broken from childhood, which he was.

Jesus, Freud would have a fucking field day with either one of them. Bodily functions as weakness. The mind boggles. These men are 10-ply soft.

Historically, it does. It’s ultimately up to the President to take shelter. SS can only advise it; they can’t gainsay the President.

The MAGAts love Donny for one sole reason: he is just like them. Just as racist/sexist, just as cowardly, just as frightened, just as self-loathing, just as insecure. In short, they love the punk ass bitch because they are all punk ass bitches. They’re all weak and pathetic. That this craven lightweight could inflict

just like the nazis 70 years ago!

I think this bitch is self medicating. She sounds drunk and/or high. I mean I know she’s naturally awful and miserable, but she is losing her shit here. I want her jailed so bad.

It’s beesed off our neems!

I love her with Nick Kroll! They are both so funny.  Krolls show was underrated genius too.  I'd watch the 2 of them anywhere. 

I guarantee he never really quit. The rich are different than you and me.

I mean, who doesn't have a war criminal friend?

Right? Women and girls have been sexually assaulted on planes, like every other mode of transport, forever. Harassment is commonplace.

On television.

Honestly, it’s the wealthy class that is the enemy of the US, always has been. All these fucks go to the same parties.  Their first allegiance is each other. 

Llife lesson right there. 

John Bolton serving America’s interests? Sorry that’s just a bridge too far.

She was waiting to be absolutely, unequivocally forced into action. She wanted it to never happen because she sucks and is terrible. Her hand has been forced and I hope she hates it add much add I hate her.

I hope it's positively choking her.

Singlefuckinghandedly. I hope she lands in jail with trump.

Non compliant girls get punished, which is what they're attempting to do.