
Honestly! How is this not a huge (yuge) story right now? It’s not even on the main page of NYTimes or WaPo? The hell, am I missing something? Unless this would otherwise have been a public hearing, this should be damning evidence, right?

The common respone to me has been “Well, Trump isn’t taking any salary!” Even though a president’s salary is $400K and he has already spent about $10MM on his Mar-a-Lago trips in just three weeks.

Because he’ll rubber stamp the legislation they want, or because they would rather see a Republican, no matter horrible and destructive, than a Democrat in the oval office?

Can’t the ACLU do something if this audio leak blows up? Are we this fucking helpless?

It is, but since the Republicans who are in control of both houses of Congress and have the power to rein this in don’t give a damn.

Can someone who knows legalese better than I explain how this isn’t the very definition of quid pro quo? Isn’t he blatantly peddling influence and access to people who pay the $200k membership fee?

This is the Republicans in Congress reaction to Trump’s behavior, which if it was President Obama or Hillary had she been elected, I can guaran-f’ing-tee you they would have drawn up articles of impeachment by now.

He thought he’d be universally loved when he got elected. The only thing that gets me through this darkest timeline is knowing how miserable he must be seeing how generally disliked he is.

Um, which dictators were they hiring and where were they planning to put them?

seem to me, unless dictators interviewing him, is Putin going to be there?

Oh *my* everything, why can’t he get impeached? The government is not a disneyland show! Pay extra to be part of the dessert party for the fireworks. Headdesk.

God, he is so desperate to be liked.

She’s a good Southern girl. They can shade with a smile on their face any day of the week.

I’ve said this for a while now, and I still believe it’s true: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar might be the greatest combination of physical talent and intellect America has ever produced. He is a brilliant man who also just happens to be arguably the greatest American athlete ever. If you’ve never read it, his review of Girls

I like it because the actual bible verse is “HIS mouth speaks from that which fills HIS heart” which makes it that much more delicious.

Oh shit I like this! Does Britney quote the bible often? Is this a reminder that Katy Perry (Katy Hudson at the time) was once a Christian Vocalist? So many questions

Yeah, I like this. Rich NYC people are some of the few people 45 actually cares about, so any time they reject him, I’m good with it because it gets under his skin.

I’d file this under ‘A Rare Instance of Justified Snobbery’ tag myself.

If your house doesn’t already have a rink, you’re not actually rich. These parents need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and stop being such slobs.

If rich NY parents and their kids want to boycott Trump, I won’t get snarky with them. This is one area we can all stand together.