
I am not a fan of her politics but she is killing it with the burns on 45 & co

Goddammit, come to our side officially, Ana.

During one of my many 45 rants about him being racist, homophobic, xenophobic and sexist, one of my classmates informed me that his “friends who voted for Trump” aren’t necessarily prejudice. That it was “a more nuanced decision” and that they “were concerned about the economy.”

She’s the best.

I especially love how she uses Trumps own tactic of giving him a derogatory moniker.

I am so tired of these people. All of them. I don’t have the energy for witty jokes or searching down funny gifs. I hate everyone of my fellow white people who voted for this piece of shit and his corrupt disgusting family. I dream of them all burning to death. I can’t even imagine how it must be for PoC to live with

I seriously want to know how these clowns thought they were going to take on all of the media and the intelligence community and think shit was going to be just fine.

Precisely. And I have the suspicion the stories of them being “close friends” have been part of Ivanka Trump’s PR-spinning to make her look sane and normal compared to her tacky family.

Oh I agree. I wish sometimes I was blissfully ignorant.

I’m not sure those folks know the difference between news and opinion. Like, they put creationism and evolution on the same plane too. It’s baffling for anyone with, um, more critical cognitive skills.

I’m pretty sure reports of Ivanka and Chelsea being BFFs have been grossly exaggerated. They definitely know one another, but I don’t think they’re much more than acquaintances.

The hits keep on coming, don’t they? I’m seriously feeling like I’ll never have a normal and peaceful day again.

Especially since Van Jones and Ana Navarro are pundits, not reporters. Navarro is clearly in the Republican establishment and Van Jones is on the left. They’re supposed to hate Trump. That’s their fucking job.

Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.

Naming specific journalists/commentators in a complaint is really not a good way to not come across as a regime out to destroy the fourth estate.

I feel like it’s telling that he’s highlighting Van Jones and Ana Navarro considering some of the most wtf? moments for this administration have been Kellyanne’s interviews with Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper. And it’s not like Cooper or Tapper have treated Trump with kid gloves. 

Every time I see this boast I hope it’s building up to a six-month mark resignation. “I’ve done so much that I can retire and go back to my business now, being President is for losers.”

That’s about as believable as him saying nobody respects women more than he does. Next he’ll say he’s not racist because he nominated Ben Carson for a Cabinet position.

Mindblowing. I’m of course referring to the part where I found out that random black reporters can’t set up meetings with the Congressional Black Caucus. I thought all “the blacks” live on the same inner city Chicago street.