Are we great again yet?
Are we great again yet?
I know it’s a tired trope by now, but if Hillary had done this, we’d be subject to 40 different hearings about “OMG SALADGATE” with the left likely screaming harder than the right. “SHE COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY FOR A SALAD!!!!” “HILLARY USED GOVT FUNDS TO PAY FOR SALAD OWNED BY HER OWN FOUNDATION!!!!”
My Dad wouldn’t vote for HRC because he was worried about how she would deal with North Korea. I do not see how this is better.
You just KNOW it was more about “letting people at Mar-A-Lago see how cool and important he is” than it was about actual national security. “Ooh looky me I’m president doing president stuff!” (Meanwhile Bannon pulls out a literal camera to hold over classified docs while Toddler In Charge smug mugs for the camera).
Under FERPA, I do more to hide my students’ grades and id numbers than this jackass does to hide classified information that might keep us all from dying. JFC.
Okay seriously. If HRC’s emails and Benghazi etc. etc. are worthy of months and years of investigation, how is this not being looked into with regard to national security breaches? Is this when we all call our Congresspeople and demand an investigation?
Despite this being 2017, it took me a minute to realize you meant the Secret Service and weren’t referring to the Nazi military group.
This is so messy and low budget. The world is laughing at us.
He’s the neighbor who complains about a woman leaving the house in a skirt above her knee. Meanwhile he walks out to get the paper letting his open bathrobe show his little dick to the whole world.
yeah but how else was Putin supposed to make a decision about all this? leaders need to be informed.
Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.
Long live the Queen!
I remember being mortified to be an American under Bush part 2. He made us look like bumbling idiots. I wonder what past me would have said if I could go back in time and tell me that W, contrary to all evidence and logic, would be considered a high mark of the Republican party just two presidents down the line.
Well, you know that W.E.B. DuBois has done some amazing things, tremendous things, and he’s getting recognized more and more these days I notice.
Gosh, Becky Betsy, maybe you should have gone to a public school where they would have taught you how to spell the names of historical figures and the difference between “apologies” and “apologizes”.
They should just refrain from making any statements. They’re so disrespectful to important historical figures, especially African American historical figures, I wonder if they’re doing it on purpose. Is the Dept. of Education already a shit show full of idiots or is this, and Trump’s horrific Black History Month…
It was mistakes! Stoopid snowfakes libruls.