still in her bubble
still in her bubble
Where the fuck is Caitlyn Jenner now?
Ironic, really, that an unkempt petty tangerine manbaby, the functionally illiterate and personality disorder-ridden angry creamsicle that is the current American President, SCROTUS 45, lacking any discernible wit or humour, has ushered in a new golden age of satire.
At this point Ivanka could probably bolster her brand by breaking with her dad so I’m going to assume she basically believes/agrees with most of the things he does.
Not even a little bit. That first tweet about how mean Nordstrom was for dropping her line didn’t come from Daddy’s phone, it came from her. She’s the one driving this whining. She’s Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka. (Her father is also Veruca Salt, in a weird twist.)
Something tells me these loons keep multiple Google alerts for these forums. I used to religiously read The Atlantic, and the people that I’d have conversations with over Atlantic articles were rational humans. If you look at their comment section though, it’s full of people that invade every gender article to say…
The vicious anti-Streep comments at Variety are clearly not from actual Variety readers. It seems that the venerable trade paper, or more specifically its online comment accessibility, has been infiltrared by (probably paid) Trump partisans - no doubt because of “Daddy’s” distress at the criticism he takes from the…
To be honest, Jeff Sessions looks like an evil, racist elf in real life.
Me too. It really brought a visual to how tacky this all is.
That part was amazing. This is the most relevant SNL has ever been.
This was the best thing by far for me! That little croak in her voice, the little affirmative chin twitches... mwah!
Yeah, I was coming to say that. The skit at the end where Leslie Jones and Vanessa Bayer were trying out to play Trump was probably in that vein as well.
I thought it was hilarious. There is no reason we should hold back on Kellyanne Conway and the controversy over this one is weird.
Also not at all baffling because Kate McKinnon is a treasure and supremely talented and can play any part. The fact that it would piss of 45 even more is just icing on the cake.
This was scary bordering on not even trying to be funny because it’s all genuinely terrifying but I did laugh. Because fuck Kellyanne Conway. And her bones clicking back into place like the demon she is was excellent.
Yup they knew exactly what they were doing there. You just know his entire cabinet is dreading every Saturday night. I bet they all have to turn their phones and laptops in at night so they can’t tweet.
“played, a little bafflingly, by Kate McKinnon”