
That’s not a motorcycle, THIS is a motorcycle:

Righteous tire roaster.

ILLEGAL immigrants, fool.


United Airlines, what a load of stupid, violent assholes.

That cat isn’t adorable, it’s ferral and would rip your face off given the chance.

pee oh ess

That’s what my cat sounds like when she eats. Nom nom nom...

The two guys that got a percentage of Hern’s money don’t want to face the fact he killed himself. Wah.

Mental illness is OK with Liberals.

Wouldn’t want those hairy-assed, old bags to get their burlap panties all bunched.

Transmission = Walk on the wild side.

He got ratted-out for the Hulkamania t-shirt in his closet.

Perfect. Lanesplitter is edited by guys that don’t ride, Jalponik head-up by some woman that can’t drive, priceless.

As you fellow engineers know; horsepower equals heat, so, yeah, the biggest HP car gets the most cooling, it only figures.

This blog must be satire, only commie-liberal assholes write for Gawker and this guy actually writes as if he has a brain/soul and not just a commie party pin.

No. We live in a world where medical doctors get dragged, unconscious, off of a plane, to accomodate deadheading United employees.

I never fit your demo, mine’s perfectly sized.

“I hope he knows when to call it quits.”

2010 want’s their stupid article back. Jesus, fucking Gawker assholes...