Someday YOU will be named in the suit to take-down this farce, as a c0-conspirator.
Someday YOU will be named in the suit to take-down this farce, as a c0-conspirator.
This bike has been stuck in my head since you wrote this in Feb. Your fault! I did three SoCal Supermoto schools and realized I needed to get my own bike or go broke. Everyone should attend that school. Sorry I missed you at Adams when my bud Nicky coached! I was out of town. I found out track days at Adams are only…
Must be tough having to work Monday morning after taking it up the ass all weekend.
Typical Jalop fake news.
Fuck you.
PT Cruiser.
TLRD fuck gawker.
Aw, poor butt-hurt faggots! Bahaha!
Look faggot, it’s no more OK to ruin people’s lives by putting their naked asses on your filthy site than it is to fuck people out of their “supercar” funds.
Fuck you.
Good for you and fuck Jalopnik right in it’s gay-ass pussy.
Too bad you work for a faggot-owned, bankrupt POS website and will never afford this car as long as you work here.
Fuck those assholes.
Dear Gawker Staff Members:
Looks like all you pricks are going get canned.
Everything you write, every fucking word, screams, “I’m a smug asshole.”
It looks like a Goddamn 1980 Celica, for Christ’s sake. Porsche sucks balls.
That’s the best video I have ever seen on Jalop.
The most important thing for a driver to know about the milk ritual is to never, ever pour the stuff on your head, because in an hour or so you will begin to stink like crazy and those post-race photo sessions go on for hours.