
At least it wasn’t called duck tape.

I think you’re a cunt. Thanks for asking.

Cancel this boondoggle of the week.

I drag raced one of these little, no spare tire, turds with my naturally aspirated 3.8 V-6, AUTOMATIC, Genesis Coupe. I kicked that grommet to the curb.

If I had any kind of life at all, I would not have watched that.

Andy Collins: Making a mockery of motorcyclists one stupid post at a time. You’re an idiot.

Dear Andy,

Lanesplitter? Oh yeah, I heard of that site! That’s where non-riding editors go to post dumbass, anti-motorcycle blogs that we actual riders point at, and laugh.

That guy’s a fuckin asshole.

technology protecting everyone’s privacy

Gotta keep up with the Mustang, Coffee and Cars wrecks.

You know why Ford has carbon fiber wheels? Because GM doesn’t.

City shoots self in foot, kills 3,000, makes up lies.

Ya know what I just realized? You never hear about women cops shooting people, it’s always the roid-head, low IQ males. These girls are awesome.

Bad news on my birthday? Cold.

TD;DR (too disgusting, didn’t read)

100 years ago racing automobiles were new and different. It stayed that way for a long time as Indy allowed guys to build their cars in their garages and almost all racecars at Indy were one-off, glorious creations that unfortunately went out with the Dodo and the Seventies. If you never heard a Novi scream by, you

If some dumb cop destroyed my car and nearly killed me I’d sue for every possible dime, and I don’t need the money.

The Ginger freak has his arms crossed (Stay the fuck back!!!) and he’s frowning. What an asshole.

Then there’s the ambient radiation.