You’re the guy that buys hot dogs at Seven Eleven.
You’re the guy that buys hot dogs at Seven Eleven.
I bet you’re the only one, often.
Fuckin crybaby, get over it. Go spend $ome of that cash, bitch.
Dear Jomamma, I think you’re jelly.
You are such a loser.
Hey you rascal, it’s almost my birthday and I have the itch. I know you rode the little Panigale, have you ridden the big one! I could use your email...
Awesome, another car 99% of us can’t afford.
If it had Miata in the title, I’d be immediately bored of it. I can’t think of a car I’m more absolutely tired of hearing about than the gott dang Mazda Miata.
Up here we call such people white trash.
Buying shit-box cars and testing other people’s nice cars doesn’t make you car guy.
It’s good that the head editor posts nonsense all the time. Really good.
Hey wait, is that a journalist?
Star and Crawdad? I hope you checked that wreck for weed before you left.
I’d rather see Hamilton in The Reasonably Priced Car than another race car.
Total bullshit.
I can’t wait to see one so I can point and laugh.
For 38K you can buy a Genesis Coupe like mine and run circles around that thing while enjoying a monster stereo and all the other goodies modern cars provide.
You can buy a really nice car for $25,000.