
Sean MacDonald is available, I think. Great writer, nice guy!

Jart sandals.

Jart sandals.

Ginger Snap.

Can’t you find anything else to write about?

I’d rather stuff one in here:

It sure is great to be rich! You could replace all that bother with a simple phone call to the dealer.

Sounds like talking with a mouth full of, er, something.

Wasn’t it a just a few years ago that we argued about the legality and morality of this move, now it’s just business as usual?

If that’s “the future of cars” then it’s time to start racing boats.

That little queer can’t carry her jockstrap.

I bet she can crack walnuts with her pussy.

And they stink like a boat factory.

Lanesplitter: Where dumbfuck, non-riding editors post non-relevant bullshit, because they don’t know from fuck, since Sean was fired.

And you’re a regular genius, aren’t you Justin???

Jalopnik: Home Of The Click Bait!

Expensive golf cart don’t work.

Freddy’s in over his head, here.

Sure it is, and the horse left.

Where’s the best editor Jalopnik ever had?