
Which queer asshole that runs this shithole fired Sean Mac Donald???

Who’s the fuck fired Sean MacDonald?

Why did you queer fuckers fire Sean MacDonald???

You’re right, I got carried away.

No, but close.

I guess Sean’s in Italy banging Supermodels or doing something better than blogging, thus no blogs on a Saturday at Lanesplitter. So I’ll post here since this blog thread is at the top:

I saw the same thing. Katana!

Good luck Tyler, not that you need it.

Yum, Autocars, Eat ‘Em Up!

You funny!


Everything in this country is a fraud.

I am no. 3. LOLZ.

I’m an old, pacifist-punk, I hate war, I hate seeing innocent people killed by anything and anybody. I’m also a high performance aircraft fanatic. Those planes should never shoot weapons, just do air shows. When do I get MY ride?

1974 called and they want their plane back.

Great copy.

Will it outsell the Buell Blast?


Maybe someone will invent an app that blocks his face with a picture of Jesus.