
Did you see that guy stowing the fluorescent tubes in their individual slots? Organized down to the last detail.

I like the Bad Dentistry.

Cool video, we needz moar Guy Martin.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over with the expectation of different results.

He’s in Heaven with Jesus.

If there’s no driver/rider/pilot, it isn’t sport. It’s the result of the Nerds getting old enough to gain control of budgets.


“The human error will be in the algorithms and car designs.”

How many times would you watch the replay of Alonso’s crash if there had been no man in that car?

Is this a White Guilt thing? Why do people want to remove people from everything? I guess in their perfect world robots are watching robot cars race and all humans are dead as dead. Fuck that shit. AI is extremely dangerous to humans, but you brainwashed kids don’t get it because in all your stupid movies the humans

Perfectly boring. Without human error, boring as fuck.

NO ONE is going to pay to watch over-sized toys zip around a race track. Oh, maybe some nearsighted, RC car nerds, but sweet Jesus, this is an awful idea.

“if you just can’t get enough self-jacking right now.”

I should qualify that. I’m old and beat up and can’t wrassle those big bikes anymore. You younguns, have at it. Lucky you.

I have an o9 Ducati with dry clutch. You have to slip it in first gear as it’s so high. 18,000 miles and it’s still like new.

I have spent my entire life looking for an honest mechanic.

600 Lb. dirt bikes.

Long time ago a guy handed me his Au Sable fly rod, telling me how flexible it is. I grabbed the tip and broke it off. Oh shit.

Good deal, Dennis. How many miles on the Panigale now?