
You dumb, busted, fresh from jail, whatever, losers hate that some of us are moral and smart enough to stay on the right side of the law. Tough shit, losers. Say hi to Bubba.

Unless trolling criminals on Jalopnik is illegal, not likely, I haven’t left the house today.

Enjoy your incarceration. Say hi to Bubba.

Absolutley! I never killed anyone, beat anyone up, stole anything, cheated on anyone, yep, I’m a real tool. And go fuck yourself.

You sound like a criminal.

Those of us that have never even been arrested have little sympathy for those that have.

The 200 and the Dart are the shitboxes for broke twenty somethings of the new century.

“Hello friends, Ralph Spoilsport here. Let’s take a look at these new and used cars.”

That thing is fucking ugly.

I hope it’s due to concussion and it’s not Meniere’s Disease.


Now all it needs is turn signals and a big-ass headlight so you can ride your racebike on the street.

Because there was only so many Stanley Kubrics to go around.

I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill myself. :O)

“Air Force Photographer” has got to be the coolest job in the world.

Most “models” are prostitutes.

Who’d he diddle? Was there spittle?

Yeah, those cars are to die for.

Some writer on Jalopnik is always trying to get people to buy cars like this...wait...