
If you’re dumb enough to turn your expensive car over to a low-life, loser valet, you deserve what you get, lazy asshole, park it yourself.

Dear Ban Master, go fuck yourself and look for a job, yo’re gonna need one.

Dude has bad hearing, was supposed to invest in the high rent district not the high rent distraction.

Desktop background.

The dude risked his hearing rather than pull-in and fix the problem: Racer.

That’s a tasty meatball, wait...

Dumb bitch.

When you are pushing brainwashing, disinfo bullshit, repetition is very useful. It’s important the subjects believe that there is a real choice, it would not do for anyone to see that Hillary is the chosen one and that this is a farce.

These are fabulous, sexy, fun, simple, uncomplicated cars that are to cherish. They are going to bring the big bucks at auction in the not far off future. If I didn’t have a giant tax bill staring me in the face I’d rescue this one.

This is not going to work as long as there’s human drivers. It’s all or nothing. I heartily endorse, nothing.

I stole it. I’m a Trans-Dead-Monkey-Lover and you bullies better not say anything mean or I go to the Feds.


Religion is complete bullshit and has destroyed mankind.

Why aren’t you out riding one of your Harleys in the rain? :O)

Do they make clothes for women that aren’t anorexic? Those models look like Death.

And the bikes still cost more than people think they are worth. Good luck with your recyclable business plan.

Hillary looks like Chairman Mao in that yellow thing. Ha ha.

Looks like a ‘55, I want one.

“Mr. Manning said he intends to become an animator at Disney, specializing in drawing hidden penises in the company’s animated films.”