
This is a full news article for a movie he's producing, not writing or directing, and written by the guys who wrote some of the more mediocre episodes of The Office and Year One, which is still the worst movie I ever saw in a theater. I'm perplexed.

I guess it's been discussed but not decided 100% yet, so my bad! I do think it would be a good idea, especially if Chibnall's episodes haven't been great (I haven't kept up with the show for a few years, I just follow the news, ha).

At least there's a writers room now, and not just one person doing everything. There's hope.

Agreed. Season 2 was in some ways even better than the first, but the pacing was so off (especially in the early episodes) that a lot of people I know didn't finish it.

Obviously Medusa is the "star" here, but let's not pretend anyone else looks that great. Sheesh. I mean, I know I kinda want this to fail so Marvel will get through their fat heads that the Inhumans will never replace the X-Men, but I didn't know Marvel felt the same way …

I hadn't exactly forgotten a lot of the lesser known lines you quoted, but it was refreshing to giggle at them and somewhat reappraise this movie. Ignoring the over-saturation, it really was a fucking funny movie—and well-made. The sequel may be even better, although Goldmember was a bit of a mess.

The Grace/Jacob dynamic is so interesting and real—the best friends get into a tiff, they make up because they are friends … but what happens to the hurt/angry feelings of the significant other of one of the friends? In this case Jacob was also hurt by Grace's outburst, but often in those situations it's just someone

Do they say she's doing this b/c of money troubles? Or is she just doing it b/c she wants to prove something? I guess if she can't even pull together $75K, even with her past success, something is wrong.

I know this is a pretty narrow compliment, but he really was wonderful in "How To Train Your Dragon." Voice-acting is such a different beast, and a lot of good actors just aren't good at it. After barely a minute of his character speaking I entirely forgot it was Butler and just accepted it as that character.

The previews weren't great, but John Lithgow can make literally anything wonderful so I was giving it a lot of credit just for casting him. Glad to see it's not terrible.

He's done a good amount—all of it memorable. His episode of 30 Rock is hilarious, even if it's stupidly broad. He also was GREAT in that Johnny Depp drug movie, which I can't remember the name of and won't even bother Googling b/c the whole thing is just "meh" other than Johnny looking fine and Reubens being awesome.

I love her and Busy Phillips, and am always happy to see them get a shot at further success! Throw in Tina Fey, Robert Carlock, and a guy from Brooklyn 99? Yes, ma'am.

The first couple games were meant to be pretty scary—although mostly full of jump scares. I'd argue that only the first one (especially the remake) is scary in the way I think you mean, so you're probably right.

The games haven't had tank controls in over a decade … and what are you talking about with the camera? The first person view only makes it more likely that you can't see what's about to pounce on you. This game is far more terrifying than any RE has been since … the remake of the first, maybe?

This is awesome, Mel is awesome, and I grinned the entire time I read this.

My Wednesday bitch session: I HATE/DESPISE/LOATHE "All My Love" by Zeppelin. I know it's a personal song about the death of his son, so I apologize up front for bein so mean about it.

Holy shit, Dee head butting the car was amazing.

I enjoyed the show, and the finale, but only for the twists and turns of the plot. Other than Maeve and Bernard I still don't really feel anything for the characters, and in those cases almost solely because of the actors selling the shit out of sub-par characterization. I like Dolores, but Zack is right in that she

The use of "then" instead of "than" is driving me crazy ("What could be more pleasing to the adolescent mind then eating with reckless abandon?"). I know it's petty, but that drives me crazy.

I'm so puzzled by this particular internet argument—I can't see Tom Hanks in that AT ALL. It just looks like Bill Murray.