
calm down there skippy

Uh, yah, thanks bud. I know how to find what I’m looking for. Just trying to point out to Andrew that he omitted a fairly important portion of his review.

Andrew, I read and browsed the whole article and have no idea what the interior looks like. Just a few buttons here and there and a view out the sunroof.


This is such a load of garbage, like the “buy USA because stuff made in China is garbage” argument. Amazon got to where it is by having good customer service, way, way, way better than any other major retailer out there. It was ingrained in their business model, and that’s why so many jumped to use them. And I don’t

So I guess when you order anything you expect crappy service automatically? Your logic is ridiculous. There was no reason to not put the package at the door. Just being an ass, like your entire rant.

Or you know, the guy could just place the package on the damn stoop since the package and its owner are not the cause of his job sucking. But no its always someone elses fault.

The owner of Amazon is literally the absolute richest man on Earth. The reason employees don’t get paid enough is not because customers don’t spend enough. Maybe if jerks like this delivery guy thought about that, they could do their jobs like civilized human beings.

i dont know, sir. i think asking that your animal isn’t targeted by having a box dropped on to it isnt too much to ask; i feel like not hurting animals is just common decency and the fact that he so casually threw a box on a dog shows signs of a bigger problem inside that guys head and ability to make logical

Did you not get enough hugs as a child?

Sometime you should drive a 50+ year old ‘basic transportation’ car, then you will know why they cost 10x as much now.

I’d be interested to see how well the seats fold. For close to $300k, they better be the best fold and tumble seats you’ve ever seen so that the back seats are actually useable.

Garbage products plagued by reliability issues.

I thought the point was to monetize white guilt?

I did the same, and found that nobody had stepped up.

I saw the car, saw the price, went to the comments section looking for this.


My wife and I absolutely loved this and the previous show he had with PBS which was very similar. I wanna say it was “I’ll Have What Phil’s Having”. My wife was super thrilled when she heard “Somebody Feed Phil” was coming, and we binged it as fast as we could. Hopefully more is coming in the pipeline, because it’s

With a sad, depressing start to this year, I can honestly state that this is one of the few shows on television that actually brings joy to my heart. It is one of the most amusing and entertaining shows that one can enjoy. As far as bromances go, I love Phil and his wonderful family with all of my soul (and my fiance

My wife convinced me to watch an episode and I was hooked! Phil is awesome. His enthusiasm is contagious. You can tell he’s sincere. I also love his parents on the show. They crack me up.