I can smell that interior.
I can smell that interior.
In my experience, only the ones who go to non-religious colleges and universities.
A 19-year-old
Everyone who bitches and moans about people trying to come to this country should be slapped upside the head with that plaque.
This all could have been prevented if there had been a third person with a larger, higher-caliber gun who could have defused the situation.
The Toyota Prime models are where its at IMO, but getting one has been pretty tough. I think they would sell a lot more of them if they could stock dealers with them instead of making people wait years.
I absolutely agree. But if you are keeping it for a decade or more, it might be worth it for some of the manufacturers warranties.
New vs old all depends on life situation.
Cheapest, no, but best value, maybe. With the prices of used cars still historically high, a new car with zero miles can be a better value than a 3 year old car with 50,000.
I can understand Ram not being there. They’ve been openly going for “initial quality” only for awhile now. It might be the longest lasting Chrysler product you can get, but that doesn’t guarantee 200k miles.
From my experience, the only thing I find to add is that the Big 3 all make long lasting pickups. As long as you stick to the full sized ones. There are good engines and bad ones for each, but in general, it isn’t that hard to get a full sized US pickup that will last for a ton of miles if you treat it well. This also…
Politically, i find myself often on both sides of the fence. There are things i absolutely hate that each party is doing, and things that i somewhat agree with both parties. I guess i’m right down the middle. Sometimes i wonder if i’m normal based on the plethora of extreme left/right hate that is so prevalent…
The worst part of Kias is that you have to buy them at a Kia dealership.
This is the “freedom” that car-dependency provides.
If he did, I would have to immediately punch myself for agreeing with anything that reptile wants.
AM was once the official spectrum for emergency broadcasts and especially, civil defense. The reason: greater broadcast range than anything else the average person has access to and dirt cheap and simple.
Maybe not, but on the other hand it has it’s purpose and it’s not just talk radio. If you live way out in the middle of nowhere AM might be the only station you can get, and also depending on local it’s the best/easiest way to listen to sports.
To be fair though, Is there anyone under 30 that knows what AM is?
If they’ve driven on a public roadway I would hope they see the signs with flashing yellow lights that read “FOR TRAFFIC INFO TUNE TO AM 430" or whatever.