
Just as i quit smoking some years ago they ramped up the smoking in tv and movies something crazy, i think the tobacco companies have started to feel the losses in sales because of the anti-smoking lobbying and have paid a shit-load of ad-money for them to show more people smoking everywhere. When trying to not smoke,

This might be anus. First, reboots and remakes are kind off anus in itself becauswe total lack of imagination and creativity, but then we also have the problem today that everything is turned into braindead pew-pew-pew action. Terminator is not about action, especially not the first one. It is more of a thriller. It

The stuff that reaches international fame IS the scandinavian equivalent of "madcap campus sex comedies." The real dark, grim stuff stays domestic. Or, something like that. The writers that reach international fame have some kind of general appeal with their stuff. The real odd-ball artist people never gets big abroad.

I agree, it is lazy. I do not understand the point of downvoting, downvotes are also anonymous so you do not even know who did not like the post. Does that not make it even more pointless? Then it is not even "ME NO LIKE", is is just "NO LIKE."

And you are proud of it too, amazing.

Seven people so far do not believe we are allowed to have our own opinions. Make that nine. :)

Stop with the self-flaggellating. You are allowed to have an opinion on your own, you are allowed to not like female writers and musicians in this particular musical genre. That is definitively not misogynistic. You do not have to feel bad about that, it is really awful that you think you should. Not good for anyone

Just because it annoys you does not mean it is not true. Russia surely has lower taxes (and richer state and less debt) than any western state. So in that aspect they are surely more free. They probably also have much less stupid detail regulations for business and trade. So, it depends what you compare with.

Yes, it is that actress who played the sister in the pilot i think. I do not remember how she looked.

I am neither.

Pussy Riot is just a little part of the whole campaign against Russia. And yes, that guy is funded by our governments. Not even secretly at all. You do not read the news?

The photo is actually very unlike the character in the show. The character is goofy, friendly and innocent with a constant mega-huge smile like shark or a crocodile. Not serial-killer-esque at all. Not once has he looked that serious ever in the show, as he does in the photo.

It is not even a secret that the "west" supports and finances these people. So what is it you don't even?

Who is that? What does AD mean?

They are not really a punk band they are spies and soldiers for the so-called "western world." In Russia these soldiers gets called "punk band" and in Syria they are "freedom fighters." Whatever cover fits the setting most appropriate.

No, the natives did not immigrate, but the people who did this to the natives did. They were immigrants and that ended badly for the natives. Just as the immigrants of our times do it to us today and that ends badly for us. Today there are other immigrants that desire OUR lands and and comes here and forces us away

Yes, it does. Look at the native americans? Aboriginals?

Because "hispanic or latino" is a really dumb category, it is it's own category but still you can be of any race in that category so they are both in their own group and other groups at the same time. you can be a white hispanic latino or a black hispanic latino. Both of which puts you in two groups at the same time:

How did CBS pick this pilot up over the Backstrom pilot? I saw a Backstrom trailer on youtube recently and it was actually not that bad. Nothing special but at least a little entertaining. This show on the other hand seems totally awful, everybody everywhere seems to think that. Since the pilot. There were also a

Yes. Me too.