Porkbutts and Tatums!
Porkbutts and Tatums!
First thought: How is that news it was ages ago. I Remember mmmbop!
Well they can, so what are you laughing about. The difference is that race has a somewhat unclear meaning because it has been used for many completely different things for example where new breeds have been cultivated through selective breeding. These breeds have then been called races. Then add to that the whole…
You are right, that word too is often used wrongly as an insult. I do not use it intended as an insult, i really mean marxists when i say it. No, more precisely i mean ideological marxism. The people doing this might not call themself members of the communist party, but the ideological basis for it can be traced back…
Ok so which word is it you think i use that has an unclear meaning? Marxists?
I am not really familiar exactly with who or what the 1% is. As i have understood it that is just some nonsensical marxist term to divert attention from who really controls the money or something like that was invented at those marxist occupy wall street-demonstrations a while ago?
For Fox Ache.
So it is I, not evolution or God or whatever that has created different skin colors? I have never heard of that religion before, where people see me as the creator of everything. What is it called? Dubianity? Dubslam? Dubaism? Dubstep?
Race is the same thing as subspecies:
No, i do not believe it because it conflicts with itself. In this question science contradicts itself. Also there is no consensus about these things, just as there is not consensus about the so called global warming/climate stuff. Science contradicts itself there too. It is less controversial to say that global…
I am familiar with systematics and a fun fact about that i am also born not far from where Carl Linnaeus was born. Different species can NOT produce fertile off-spring, different sub-species can but does not due to geographic separation. Subspecies and race can be used interchangeably. We ARE subspecies. To further…
When you can SEE the OBVIOUS huge differences between two races, and then "science" claims that the difference is not there, then "science" are lying. It is not "science" that claims it, it is marxists and other criminal scum claiming to be scientists. It was the UN that first decided that there should be no races.…
All animals (or their situation) are biologically comparable. We all have the same, or very similar needs.
I quoted text that says hybridization is one of the treats against this crocodile, because it has the same effect as mass murder when it comes to survival of a group. The other treat to this crocodile also mention on the page is just exactly mass murder. I posted the link to clarify for Sarapen that biologists sees…
Yes, Races should remain separate. Every type of creature should be protected and kept safe.
You go ahead and consider it a crime if you want, i do not care. You are entitled to your own opinion. As i said, i was just stating that it IS equivalent to genocide. Nothing more, nothing less.
Not really. YOU are saying i am saying that. This seems to be a common theme on this site, people are making stuff up and then say i say these things or have whatever opinions.
I like that system, i think obligatory voting is healthy for the political system. Maybe i am wrong.
That is only a little part of what a marxist is, or rather was, 100 years ago. Marxism also included a LOT of "social politics" which were implemented in the USSR. The economic part of marxism slowly died out, but the other part did not. On the contrary, this part grew and spread. Especially after the war. Some people…
It has exactly the same effect and results. Among other animals this is often the biggest problem, such as for the cuban crocodile. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…