
No, what is needed are good rolemodels, exactly as Sara says. Not just "more." Not only for black people either, for everybody. Nobody is helped if TV is filled with even more "gangsta rappers" or "stoners" or "bimbos" or "guidos" or whatever character that might represent the worst of each ethnicity.

haha damn, that is just awful bad taste.

How much of all that "extra" stuff is really the artists own ideas i wonder? I think there are PR-people involved atleast partially. It can not be that EVERY female pop artist herself wants to always wear as little clothes as possible in videos and on stage. These things feel more like they are written in their

Theo was on Community last year i think as the husband of that woman, Shirley? I forget the name.

It is ok because they are lesbians?

Yes, it is.

And i completely forgot that it happened exactly where Brody is. :)

Quinns doubt and guilt mainly comes from that he murdered that little boy by mistake when he was supposed to kill the father in Venezuela or where-ever it was. This murder was just something that piled on that. Also, he is an assassin, he is Dar Adals human weapon. At any time Adal can order him to kill anybody, even

Because there exist no picture of here that is just natural, where she just is. Every picture is lots of make-up and posing. Or just posing. But i would say she is attractive. A natural picture with a natural smile in a natural environment would prove that. Where she has no make-up, or very little make up. Where the

I am not american i am a swede so i have a little different cultural experience of these years, different but still very similar haha. Being a teenager is basically the same stuff everywhere on earth i guess. Yes, I tried, and I failed. I did not get stoned, i got drunk. Back then it was uncommon for teenagers to

For me all those ballad songs from some years around -90 are basically about hormones and feelings and wakes up memories, i was a young teenager then and these songs reminds me of all the school dances and such when they played a number of those songs and you went around and tried to get to dance with some girl.

Haha seriously i just youtubed it and i have never heard that song before, not that i can remember anyway.

Wait? Never heard of it. I have to youtube that. I associate White Lion with "When the children cry."

Oh dude, that was a ton of useful information and tips! Thank you sincerely very much for all that i hope it was not too much work but you seem to be a fast typer so maybe it did not take too much of your time. I have actually never heard of any of all those games, sites and peoples, except for Monkey Island and Sam &

If i ever again find the time and inner peace to play a computer game it would be a game like that. What would you recommend? Are there any free games of that type you can play very casually on the internet without having to buy or even install stuff?

I hops this is not considered a spoiler:

Yes, they should have hired Christopher and they should have fused Hook with that Swede character from hell on Wheels. Made him absolutely insane. As i remember Hook from the tales when i was little he actually was kind of insane, manic in the hunt for that crocodile and in his hatred for Pan. I might have read the

That was really good, and actually made me really nostalgic for those games i played long ago before the internet existed. Thanks. Or maybe no thanks, bittersweet feeling. :)

You are probably right, they just go with what they feel is safe. Tried and true. Actually the rebooting part would not bother me that much if they only made stuff better, but i feel they make it worse with all the action and all the changes like making Superman "dark" or Star Trek macho action or whatever. It is like

That sounds logical. I also think it is maybe easier to make/write action than something with a little substance or whatever one should call it. Also i fear that is my personal taste in "art" that diverge from the majority, that more or most people just likes pure action better and that is why they make those movies.