Yes it is. No, you are not.
Yes it is. No, you are not.
I have made absolutely zero negative comments against minorities on this site. Name one.
I am kind of curious though exactly how that comment is filled with "hate" or "racist" or whatever it is you find so "loathsome" and "shocking."
It was Baakus that celebrated genocide, not me. I was just mocking him. Or what do you mean?
Sorry, i edited that badly i often move around sentences when writing and sometimes it goes wrong. I meant the restrictive immigration of China also goes for "just about every other non-white country in the world." not that the USA should do that.
Way to selectively quote. Is there some marxist Yoda out there somewhere that teaches you all to master the dumb side of the force?
Stop getting stuck on details and detours i did not say anything about ID-controls on the street. My point is that WHATEVER the solution would or could be, it would/could be EASY to fix.
It is not one bit "racist" to regulate immigration laws. Just as you are not "racist" if you decide who enters your house and who you want to feed with your food, or who you let work for food in your garden if that is a better example. Also, China was (and is) WAAAAAAAAAAAAY stricter with immigration than the USA or…
Why are you all engaging in such marxist arguments. If illegals are not going to vote anyway, and this does not matter, why are you soo opposed voter ID:s?
As long as i am speeding you can call me illegal yes, an illegal immigrant is continuously commiting a crime as long he has his behind planted on soil where he does not legally belong.
So why do the democrats not want to pay for these ID:s then? Why do they not want to help these poor people get ID:s? Why are they opposed to the very idea of ID:s? Democrats are not usually against handouts and welfare for poor people, right? So why? Why not ten more bucks? What is the problem, really?
Yes, as i said they do not want the poor voting. It would be easy to fix this if they really wanted. It would be easy for the state (federal government) to actually give out FREE or very cheap photo-ID to everybody that had a right to one and could not afford it, if they wanted. They do not want that. Democrats wants…
As long as you let minorities rule over you and steal all your money you will never be rich.
Yaaay for genocide!
Because? Are you white?
Well, that would be easy for politicians to fix some time off for everybody to get IDs. Right? Also, what you are describing is just the thing that bothers me. Why does the left not want these people to learn to do these things, they rather want them to be addicted to sucking on the the state udders. They do not want…
There are laws and procedures set up for immigration. If you follow these laws and procedures, you are a legal immigrant. If not, you are an illegal immigrant. Is the epithet "criminal" or any version of that for those who provides for themself by breaking other laws also a bigoted, dehumanizing term?
A photo ID that lasts 8 years costs $14 dollars according to an example i found online. That is less than $2 dollar a year. If you can not afford that, you really should not be allowed to vote at all because that is just utterly useless. Actually, is it even possible to be that poor that you can not afford that?
A process that slowly, step by step is subverted and perverted by marxists. I am VERY familiar with how marxist operates.
Where i live you have to show ID to vote, or have someone verify your identity for you in another way, atleast if you are white.