
If this happened ONLY in the USA as the russian gay stuff happens only in Russia, i would not give much of a shit at all except maybe my condolences for the whites. But this is not a limited thing, it is the same in all the western world. The media and politicians where i live for example already basically acts if we

Not happening YET, in the USA. It WILL HAPPEN. Soon. They are working toward the same thing in Europe.

Obviously not you.

It means EXACTLY that.

Without voter ID ANYBODY can vote, right? This makes it possible for illegals to vote as well.

No, it is an example of how the left genocides white people by letting non-white vote in white countries and even importing non-whites in ridiculous numbers to make this happen. With a non-white majority we are dead. This is their goal. They break the law by letting illegal immigrants and whatever riff-raff vote.

Foreign populations have zero constitutional rights in the USA.

Letting illegal immigrants from other countries vote.

The opposite - not wanting such a law - is to hurt republicans, so?

Why the hell are prisoners allowed to have a microwave oven?

I watch most of it. You have any example?

I on the other hand am pretty sure you are some kind of cannibal. A cannibal separatist even.

Is it, really? Ok lets says 96,5% of them then. I really do not see much entertainment that deviates from a certain set of political beliefs and values.

Is that assessment really wrong? The entertainers DO obviously have a uniform political agenda in most of everything they do, some of it more obvious than other, they DO also mostly support the democrats more than the conservatives. The whole concept of using "bread and circuses" to appeal and appease to the populace

“Our brains should be less focused on imaginary zombie hordes and more focused on harnessing the tools that we need in order to enhance our lives, whether it be music, education, science or the classics. Entertainment should help us soothe our brains so that we can ease our minds of some of the stress from our daily

That twist sucked and made no sense. There was many moments when Carrie did not need to play frustrated if she was in on it, and many things she did not need to do. It just did not make any sense for the viewer. A much better twist would be if she had tried to doublecross and/or take down those new guys all by herself

That is like standing for nothing, fighting for status quo. But sure if you like that, who am i to judge. :)

In Europe they always invent pointless and harmless new partys as a safety vent when the more real opposition is too close to getting any real power. Then the media backs these false alternatives. In Sweden they invented something called "Junilistan" which took alot of the real opposition votes in the EU election

That is where they put the old face.

Because the NWO requires to be able to keep trakc of us and what we say. This is just step one. Soon everybody must doo everything on facebook or through facebook.