
When i was 18 i considered what probably really was beautiful 25-year old women as "old ladies" and were mostly attracted to girls my age or a couple of years younger. I was certainly not attracted to any women older than my mother was then with maybe some exception. I do not see any of the logic with this having sex

Not shocked, disgusted.

Well my friend i am not really sure why you are telling me this but i kind of agree with you in general. I am all for product placement, in general. Especially if it replaces traditional ads. However The Internship could be seen as the whole movie is just one long Google-ad. Is it then just product placement, or a new

The CeCe story was just disgusting though. What young girl (18-20?) would (should?) loose their virginity to some 60-year old fart just because he is famous? Cece is supposed to be 27 or something? Between 25-30 atleast.

All of them looks like total crap except for maybe these:

Peter is not misogynist he is just an idiot. He does not say such things to "put women in their place" he genuinely believes that women are happiest with their groceries and razors. :)

It was really odd (but kind of not bad) that this show which is usually just pure evil without any reedeming factors or characters at all, cointained that really caring emotional and sad stuff with Stan and Avery about dementia. It was kind of out of character for Stan to be that nice but still sweet. Usually they

I do not know who any of those people are but from a purely grammatical viewpoint it would be funnier if Nathan Rabin left this site to become Rabbi Nathan.

This is the typical posturing of the official Sweden. It is like some kind of banana republic without the bananas. This is not police work this is police working on political instructions or some combination thereof, to make the headlines and gain international response. Swedish police ALWAYS do "drug-raids" on big

*sorry, did not read all replies before posting*

Maybe he misread it as Fifty Shades of Gay?

But it’s a bit weird that Volkswagen would donate a fleet of brand-new Beetles to the production, only so Daniel Craig could bash them off a train car
They actually still do this for real? I found a short clip on some scene where he drives a digger over the cars and it looked real. I thought all effects like these was

It is even more possible if the words are separated and used in some kind of meaning that makes sense.

Now it is you who are the hostile one. :)

I have now changed the word into "romulans" to make you feel better.

I did read the article, let me summarize it:

Well as i asked Wad, what should i call them then? I did not even know liberal was an insult i am trying to describe a set of beliefs and opinions which all of these people in the article obviously has. I use liberal when i write in english, usually i call them marxists.

I do not use it as a pejorative i use it to describe liberals or point out liberal opinions. Whining over morals is a very liberal/marxist thing to do. You do not find that in any other political/religious group. What do you suggest i write?

According to feminists it is sexist to say that the male and female reproductive organs are complentary or to claim that sperms swim towards the eggs. It could just as well be the eggs that swim into the penis, right? Therefore it must also be sexist to say that HIV transmits easier in one way than the other.

Eleven times. :)