
Well i am sorry about if i sound like that but I kind of have to attack liberals because the whole issue and article is soo 100% liberal. I am certainly not a troll though. Not so much hostile either i am a very friendly, polite and peaceful man. Good to see that you also have noticed these as you put it "acceptable

Nice try but I do not believe there is such a thing as a conservative zombie. I do not see how that is possible. Unless you just use it as an invective. But that could be a whole other, very big debate so just let us forget it. Let us say i should have used a better word.

I kind of critically quoted you in my post, but it was not aimed at you personally more  as a general example so i did not mention your nick. I mention it here though so you do not feel that i talk "behind your back" about you. :)

Romulans have decided for us:
a) What kind of opinions we are allowed to have on any and all topics.
b) How people of different races should be.

The Family Guy episode was not pulled from schedule it was pulled from the archives of the interweb. It has already aired. Right?

It is ok, i gave two shits. One for you and one for me.


The money in that link i posted was actually both money and barter goods, there was not much of a world banking cartel back in the 1600s, banks were relatively new and powerless back then. The "crown" (kings everywhere) would have killed them if they tried to pull any of the shit they do today. You had the right to

Alex Alex Dowd?

Valerie is so funny i love that character. This show is worth watching just for Valerie alone. She is actually the only character in any show that makes me laugh even a little more than just a smile and a chuckle. Well, maybe Worf and Data also can make me laugh. Valerie is good writing combined with good acting.

If you are not already a nicotine-user, like a smoker or chews tobacco or whatever, snus might be a little rough on you because it is something like twenty times as much nicotine in one of those bags as it is in a cigarette. So, a person whose body is not accustomed to nicotine probably will easily get a bad "nicotine

About 20 million. This is a huge mess there are many bands and artists and their personal "enterprises" (no idea about the right word for this) involved who have been "borrowing" money back and forth between them. The bands and artists blames the studio for doing this without their knowledge, the studio blames the

I'm not sure why but I'm always weirdly excited for Awkward

The Tea Party Movement is obviously just as militant as the salvation army or less, still mainstream America seems to think they are capably of anything? Even if freedom, the constitution, lower taxes and smaller government is very scary stuff to liberals, even scarier than guns, bombs, white people and war, they can

Well, one thing to just throw electric razors at people, but with pubic hair in them?  Now that is just way over the line.

1. It is ridiculous that media follows people around everywhere and reports their every move, the fabricate "scandals" and events from nothing at all. This was a complete non-event to start with.

The real Peter should have showed up when they released the feral Peter so everybody would have been "who the….what was that we brought back from the woods the first time then and just released now?" That would have been funnier. They could have just left it open like that, or Peter could have said that is not me it

That is maybe the wrong approach when watching a sitcom? :)

There are many funny parts, you must atleast see the episode when mr k is a baby sitter.

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