
@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus I do not believe in the word racism, i do not even recognize it or admit it as a real word. I consider it nonsensical drivel without meaning. Because it has no meaning, it has no true definition. A word without a definition is not a word. That is the (unwritten) law of

@avclub-eaa88660d97aa2a15400335bcf9d93ac:disqus Saami people would probably be offended if you called them white. Just so you know.

@Roswulf:disqus I might be racist depending on what the word actually means, but i am not a troll. Funny that so many people here often calls me a troll. I think it is because english is my second language you guys think i am a troll. Fun fact because Lurky here said i should go to Stormfront, i was actually banned on

@avclub-570170146218082d2ca2544d57a48f1e:disqus But if LL Cool J DID wear anything like that, no one would have an issue with it. Because of how he looks. Also, did you just now by that swastika armband comment imply that Jon Stewart looks like something in particular? Are you also a horrible racist? :)

@avclub-b3d29f8f22c60a4b2c5fc2b1691c1d62:disqus Respect. Very good post. I will maybe agree that slavery was the biggest issue in the conflict but i still doubt it was the deciding factor for conflict. By that i mean that i think that the civil war would have happened even if slavery never existed anywhere, if it had

OMG are YOU serious? Since when did it become "racist paranoia" to just even think or talk about how people looks? Everybody who calls president Obama black because they think he looks black, is also a disturbing paranoid racist then or what? You white liberal people be crazy.

Ah, so you are one of those who have been appointed to define what is racist?

As Chicanery says, it has to be intentional. It also have to be the original intent, not some later idea about what they "really" meant. This goes not only for so-called "racism" but for everything. We can not go around changing or inserting new meanings into everything. Also who gets to decide which is what to whom?

If it is racist to wear a shirt with some print on it, well yes then racism will never go away ever. Racism is here to stay. People will always be wearing shirts, often so with print on them. This also goes for the fact that as long as racism is subjectively and arbitrarily defined by any and/or all selfappointed

yes….quod erat demonstrandum?

Yes, if Shane Smith did not say stuff like that General Buttnaked would have been an upstanding peaceful member of the community.

Because the liberal marxist powers of evil won the WW2 and their primary method  for political power and advancing their goals is the destruction of culture. Also, they are are just not that talented or creative so they steal stuff. When the primary directive of your art is political propaganda and social engineering

That is racist why not a black rabbit?

The better moments ofRevolution’s first half came largely from scenes that were unconnected to what was going on with Danny, as the show got deeper into Miles’ past with the militia and expanded on the power dynamic within the Monroe Republic.

I had to google that. Now i can inform you that a gander is a male goose, not a duck. Thank you for providing me with yet another new word to add to my vocabulary.

That was really cool, that thing could definitively murder a vagina. Now i also kind of want to have a corkscrew-shaped penis that unfolds. Unrolls? This is beyond my level of english haha.

A drake is a male duck right?

Seriously, that is some maternal nursing infant stuff going on with that. Even though i am a grown man i feel really safe and comfortable close to boobs, close to a woman who does work like that. My former dentist was a really pretty young (younger than me) woman and when she fixed my teeth her boobs often got very

The life and times of Tim?