
Yes, that is always stupid. It is even worse when there are only like two people on the poster, one man one woman, and the mans name is above the woman and vice versa. IF the names must be in a certain order, and that is (legally?) non-negotiable, then why not make the posters to fit that order? If Adam Sandlers name

How or why is Kevin James shit? That guy has always seemed kinda nice, harmless and not annoying in any possible way everytime and everywhere i have seen him? The three other guys are potentially annoying yes for being loud, obnoxious, offensive, opinionated, foulmouthed, having annoying voices or whatever but Kevin

*presses scrapped pilot link, redirected to buzzfeed fullscreen embed link, gets 11 sec ad saying go to popfocal*

Men like character Adam has been treating women like shit in real life for a long time, and feminism has always whined about this. They have also whined about pornography. Then feminism wins, and feminist women makes their own tv-shows from the female perspective. What do they make shows about? The make pornographic

I think it is odd that not more paparazzis get beaten or atleast get their cameras destroyed. Well maybe not from female celebs but from males. Celebrities usually have the money and the lawyers to get them out from any minor charges from bitchslapping someone or breaking their camera. They often get away with waaay

Has anybody ever who holds a camera at somebody while saying stupid annoying things NOT sounded like a dick? You can probably hear it on somebodys voice from very early on that this guy is going to grow up and be a massive dick who has a camera and harasses people with it. What you often also can hear on the voices of

So that song "we saw your boobs" was offensive but having an award category for best shirtless (man, i guess?) is not offensive? Would it be offensive to have a "best shirtless woman" category?

Me too, i loved it.

Dylan and Kelly showing up was the best and probably the most random thing ever. I loved it.

One would think so at first yes, but actually 23 000 is actually a really large number when it comes to polling and statistics. Usually they just ask a thousand people or something like that, when it is about politics or whatever.

@avclub-2b3a1f7f2570cbc812e662cae6f4c54e:disqus Certainly one can be for real without being a liberal?

1. Since when were anything ever fair and equally distributed in any area/subject ever? The world is not fair. That is just how it is. It is nature. There is literally thousands of topics and situations where life is not fair to me, or some other guy, or some girl, or

The liberal muppets will be not happy until even characters who literally are named "snow white" (because she was white as snow) are cast as black people.

You people are always so tolerant and friendly, i like that. That is nice. Also, ad hominem and all that rayciss-crying is always a valid argument. Right?

Why are you so goddamn racist that you have a problem with white people? If race really does not matter, it really should not matter if everybody in a show is white, right? Or black? Or asian? Who cares, as long as it fits and not just PC-bullshit.

Then you must leave this site also too! I am outraged and appalled at the venomous hate-speech on this site. They refer to inuits with derogatory terms like eskimo. Eskimo is a racist word. I did not know this site was a nest for right-wing extremists and was shocked to learn that EVERYONE on this site HATES inuits.

*spoiler alert?*

Dude, the dancing is the best part of this show, the rest of it is highly annoying. The ballet was the only thing that did not bother me, but the rest was just too much so i could not watch it anymore. There is such a thing as "too witty dialogue" it just becomes so fake and the leadwoman beat every joke and dialogue

Yoni/Wilmer/Fez said burn! That must have been a nod/hint or whatever to That 70s Show?