
Most powerplants kinda runs by themself and would keep doing that for several years if there was no bigger problem that occured. A nuclear plant would run until the fuel runs out, and wind and waterplants would run until some parts breaks. Would it not?

They better not harm Ellen May!!

No, that person is right. Racism is stating facts about "minorities." Facts about minorities are also sometimes called "bias" or "stereotypes." Considering facts about minorities while making various decisions is called "prejudice." I write "minorities" because they of course are called that even when they are the

No, that person is right. Racism is stating facts about "minorities." Facts about minorities are also sometimes called "bias" or "stereotypes." Considering facts about minorities while making various decisions is called "prejudice." I write "minorities" because they of course are called that even when they are the

Yeah, Rose was pining but not the doctor, he also did not stalk her or constantly put himself between her and her boyfriend. They also met by mistake, and continued to meet by mistake or for various other valid reasons. Their relationship grew slowly and naturally, and was never really a true romantic relationship but

Yeah, Rose was pining but not the doctor, he also did not stalk her or constantly put himself between her and her boyfriend. They also met by mistake, and continued to meet by mistake or for various other valid reasons. Their relationship grew slowly and naturally, and was never really a true romantic relationship but

Ok, maybe innovative is the wrong word then and maybe it is just a matter of personal taste, but to me it was obvious that i enjoyed season 1-4 of the new doctor Who but from season 5 it rapidly became just unwatchable, in so many ways. And i do not think or feel that it is Matt Smith (or Amy or Rory) that is the

Ok, maybe innovative is the wrong word then and maybe it is just a matter of personal taste, but to me it was obvious that i enjoyed season 1-4 of the new doctor Who but from season 5 it rapidly became just unwatchable, in so many ways. And i do not think or feel that it is Matt Smith (or Amy or Rory) that is the

People are confusing Matt Smith with the bad writing they are giving him. Or maybe they are blaming Matt Smith for the bad writing, whatever it is. The problem is not him though, it is the bad turn the writing took at the same time he was introduced. The whole style of the show changed, into something completely

People are confusing Matt Smith with the bad writing they are giving him. Or maybe they are blaming Matt Smith for the bad writing, whatever it is. The problem is not him though, it is the bad turn the writing took at the same time he was introduced. The whole style of the show changed, into something completely

Sure, i am aware that extreme hypocrisy and finger-pointing is part of that modern mindset and ideology but there is also something deeper and more scary behind it. Namely that this "set of values" we are supposed to have today actually honestly says that it is more offensive to utter words like "asian" or "black"

Sure, i am aware that extreme hypocrisy and finger-pointing is part of that modern mindset and ideology but there is also something deeper and more scary behind it. Namely that this "set of values" we are supposed to have today actually honestly says that it is more offensive to utter words like "asian" or "black"

Two small demerits: Snot’s remark about Toshi’s suggestion the guys go find some whores, and Steve’s explanation to his dad that the noisy party is just him and Hayley playing “Black Restaurant.” Other than those less-than-stellar jokes, it was all laughs for me.

Two small demerits: Snot’s remark about Toshi’s suggestion the guys go find some whores, and Steve’s explanation to his dad that the noisy party is just him and Hayley playing “Black Restaurant.” Other than those less-than-stellar jokes, it was all laughs for me.

It could have been Seth Rogen giving money to that guy at 2:38, right?

It could have been Seth Rogen giving money to that guy at 2:38, right?

Oh nice dress i thought, but then i thought no, she probably has a nice body that makes any dress look nice. Then i settled on that maybe it is a little bit of both. It is nice when you can atleast hint a bit of the female form i think. Recent years fashion for ladies have been way too much of these shapeless hideous

Oh nice dress i thought, but then i thought no, she probably has a nice body that makes any dress look nice. Then i settled on that maybe it is a little bit of both. It is nice when you can atleast hint a bit of the female form i think. Recent years fashion for ladies have been way too much of these shapeless hideous

Was it not also really just plain boring? Always in the same setting just babbling on about something boring stuff? That is atleast the impression i always got when zapping past it on tv back in the 90s/early 00s or whenever it was on tv here. Most scifi-shows had some action or some problem to solve and change of

Was it not also really just plain boring? Always in the same setting just babbling on about something boring stuff? That is atleast the impression i always got when zapping past it on tv back in the 90s/early 00s or whenever it was on tv here. Most scifi-shows had some action or some problem to solve and change of