
The random small jokes and their discussions on various things is often by far the funniest things in this for me atleast. Like todays "you speak latin?" or "that is an actual weed" and "he has an angels voice" (or whatever he said exactly) and all things like that. Some of the bigger more elaborate jokes and the

The random small jokes and their discussions on various things is often by far the funniest things in this for me atleast. Like todays "you speak latin?" or "that is an actual weed" and "he has an angels voice" (or whatever he said exactly) and all things like that. Some of the bigger more elaborate jokes and the

Yes, thank you for that example of relativism which is also one of their common tools. :)

Yes, thank you for that example of relativism which is also one of their common tools. :)

Exactly, that was a bad ending. A much better (and nicer) ending would have been if she finally hung up, and they finally went outside, and it was winter. But these shows are not done to really be clever and funny and harmlessly amuse and entertain us, that is just the facade these people hide behind, they have a

Exactly, that was a bad ending. A much better (and nicer) ending would have been if she finally hung up, and they finally went outside, and it was winter. But these shows are not done to really be clever and funny and harmlessly amuse and entertain us, that is just the facade these people hide behind, they have a

There is also a song called Ragnarök that is about Ragnarök, in an actual nordic language even :)

There is also a song called Ragnarök that is about Ragnarök, in an actual nordic language even :)

Not necessarily cheaper movies but take this for example:

Not necessarily cheaper movies but take this for example:

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Yes, you are completely right. It is a common mistake for me to make a mess of my arguments, the first arguments/examples that popped up in my head was kind of weak. The later ones were better. I blame this on a messed up flow of information inside my head, to much and

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Yes, you are completely right. It is a common mistake for me to make a mess of my arguments, the first arguments/examples that popped up in my head was kind of weak. The later ones were better. I blame this on a messed up flow of information inside my head, to much and

Kim Dotcom ALSO gave to charity. He did not even try to make his "profits" look legit, he just stole it all and then gave to charity to boost his ego. He was the same kind of egomaniacal douche-bag as the rest of them.

Kim Dotcom ALSO gave to charity. He did not even try to make his "profits" look legit, he just stole it all and then gave to charity to boost his ego. He was the same kind of egomaniacal douche-bag as the rest of them.

I bitch about how rich people exploit several levels of underpaid workers and our planet and charges us sick prices to make profits, which they then just give away to boost their ego and make themself look good. Also, i do not see it as people who break the law is made to pay, i see it more like a scene from an old

I bitch about how rich people exploit several levels of underpaid workers and our planet and charges us sick prices to make profits, which they then just give away to boost their ego and make themself look good. Also, i do not see it as people who break the law is made to pay, i see it more like a scene from an old

No, but i meant that it is kinda sick to jail people, for stealing money you do not even want. If i do not want some stuff i have, go ahead and take it. Also they demand millions from people who can not pay, while giving away millions with the other hand. It is stupid.

No, but i meant that it is kinda sick to jail people, for stealing money you do not even want. If i do not want some stuff i have, go ahead and take it. Also they demand millions from people who can not pay, while giving away millions with the other hand. It is stupid.

I mixed them all together, most companies give away lots of money. Maybe not Apple though, actually.

I mixed them all together, most companies give away lots of money. Maybe not Apple though, actually.