
Yeah, well do not cut the retail prices then, how about actually paying the underpaid staff in hollywood like the interns who works for free? Employing animators and fx staff in America instead of outsourcing that to South Korea? Or outside the media-business, how about paying farmers and workers a little bit above

Yeah, well do not cut the retail prices then, how about actually paying the underpaid staff in hollywood like the interns who works for free? Employing animators and fx staff in America instead of outsourcing that to South Korea? Or outside the media-business, how about paying farmers and workers a little bit above

If these narcissist egomaniacs in the "elite" (whatever we shall call them) were not so obsessed with making themself look good by giving ridiculous amounts to charity, we could actually have cheaper products and no more million dollar fines for poor people for copying their works. People even get jailed for piracy,

If these narcissist egomaniacs in the "elite" (whatever we shall call them) were not so obsessed with making themself look good by giving ridiculous amounts to charity, we could actually have cheaper products and no more million dollar fines for poor people for copying their works. People even get jailed for piracy,

Yeah, i am not sure either if it is a good idea or not. I was more wondering why. Like, if everything else is ok, why is that not ok?

Yeah, i am not sure either if it is a good idea or not. I was more wondering why. Like, if everything else is ok, why is that not ok?

It is kind of interesting why actual sex is not shown in sex education in school. Maybe especially in Europe where there is almost no boundaries left anywhere, maybe in politics but not really artistically. In America there is still some debate over this, there are "bleeping" of cursewords on tv and there are

It is kind of interesting why actual sex is not shown in sex education in school. Maybe especially in Europe where there is almost no boundaries left anywhere, maybe in politics but not really artistically. In America there is still some debate over this, there are "bleeping" of cursewords on tv and there are

Thank you for the kind words. If i ever start a newsletter i will try to let you know.

Thank you for the kind words. If i ever start a newsletter i will try to let you know.

6. Young idiot people who just cares about sex that votes for a black president just because he is black? Also women who confuses their irrational maternal feelings for useless criminals or poor brown people with having "their own ideas" and votes for a black president just because he is black? Both groups just doing

6. Young idiot people who just cares about sex that votes for a black president just because he is black? Also women who confuses their irrational maternal feelings for useless criminals or poor brown people with having "their own ideas" and votes for a black president just because he is black? Both groups just doing

Sorry friend i should have added a smiley somewhere there :)

Sorry friend i should have added a smiley somewhere there :)

True, i did not think about that. That is a very essential charity. :)

True, i did not think about that. That is a very essential charity. :)

What kind of charity do you usually pay for that goes to someone you DO know? Are you a politician giving bail-outs to your bankster friends? That is the only charity i can think of where the giver and the reciever actually knows eachother.

What kind of charity do you usually pay for that goes to someone you DO know? Are you a politician giving bail-outs to your bankster friends? That is the only charity i can think of where the giver and the reciever actually knows eachother.