Dubblewhopper-a dubble negative

I’ll take the Z over the Toyota. But I ‘ll take the Integra Type-S as well, if they make one with decent power.

A 11th gen Civic Type-R or this......hmmm....now if the Type-R will have a modest bump in hp and awd, tempting....

No shit Sherlock! Carvana is or was a subsidiary of Drivetime.

They should have done this awhile ago. And also, force Tesla to change the name of autopilot to something else. People still seem to assume the car can drive itself, and do stupid shit behind the wheel.

Besides the CTS-Vs and the such any 1940s, 50s and 60s Cadillac, but I prefer the 1960 Coupe Deville..

Back in the late 70s, very early 80s, this is what I wanted

Hornet is a fantastic car name, that much is true, but slapping it on an SUV makes me wanna fucking speeeeewwww......

Love me like a reptile.....

Do not worry, some diesel-freak already read this post and is wet dreaming of a Vette with a diesel and jacked up 20 inches for off roading.

And yet the CEOs and executive staff still get huge ass bonuses while this shit is still being done. Must be nice to be king.


I smell AAA grade bullshit right here. A million pre-orders huh. I wouldn’t sell a stolen pair of kidneys for this abomination.

I have a sudden urge to look up black market doctors, who specializes in lung and kidney removal.

1st gear: There is a 1000+acre fire just 15 miles of us. Montana is all on fire it seems. Smoke and haze has been the norm for a couple of months. 

I would love to see a new Mazda B2000, and why isn’t GM making a new type of LUV or something similar. Nissan would be wise and name the 720.

The VW ID.GAF 3.14, soon to a dealer near you...”

I miss the Prelude Si, damn you Honda! 

Better check yourself, before you wriggity Reckord yourself...

And thus Starlord is an itch in his father's pants. Though the ol'man drove a blue Stang. These two are coordinating a sorta pineapple express.