Dubblewhopper-a dubble negative

No dice-a-roni. I would rather play Russian roulette with a bazooka then own this vehicle. 

Lou Holtz? As long you tripped the light fantastic, anything goes.

I am currently listening to Fire on the Mountain live at Cornell 1977.

Man, LSD does the same thing as deepfake....except I found the answer to the universe and there were pink dinosaurs....

Our bus driver was in her mid 40s with anger issues( we definitely added the misery). And yeah the cliffs was scary, riding that edge.

As far as I recall, my old bus back in the Elder days didn’t have these stripes. But it did have a 3-speed and the bus driver loved grinding gears on that ancient Ford.

To be honest, while I think it is a good idea, my mind went straight to the gutter upon looking at the images. 

I play air drums doing 90 on I90, especially if I hear a good song. That and my music will drown out outside noise. 

Every time I read 4xe, my OCD kicks into overdrive. 4×4 E was too difficult.

I’m surprised that no one brought out “ol’ Trusty” and blew off the tires. This shit is why I am sorta glad to live out in the boonies. 

Letting go of my 280Z, my wife yells at me all the time for bringing it up...

I think if Chevy had any gumption, these tailights would have looked good on a US-spec C3 Corvette.

Arrghh...you got in before me 

Shocking, I say, shocking.

Oh, I don’t know, the best thing I saw today was a WW2 veteran with dementia knockout a male nurse, like he was the Real Deal Holyfield. Why was it the best? Because the patient did not want to go with the nurse and dammit that is the old mans right. A lot of these hospitals and homes treat the patient like dirt. 

Cows out number us humans, you'll be lane splitting with a herd. Billings does get a traffic jam for 5 minutes. That's a traffic jam here. Or get caught behind a tractor and line of cars.

I applied, Moon and the Earth are doomed.

I salute YOU, Aztek owners! Your martyrdom will not be in vain.....

As a Montanan,