Dubblewhopper-a dubble negative

This motherfucker is going to get off light. Meanwhile someone in a SD county jail that got caught with cannabis oil is serving a few years.

Or..just get an escort service and have them message your feet and body. Or pick up a hitchhiker and make them do it for free. Ass, gas, grass and a foot massage, no one rides for free. 

When a Raptor schwanz isn’t big enough.”

TBH 80s station wagons weren’t as cool as the previous 3 decades. My uncles 1974 Chevelle Malibu was a cool ass shaggin wagon. His 1980 Caprice was meh of a wagon.

Now playing

5st Gear: I hope this is true, I would hate to see AM go down the shitter to the 8th circle of hell.

I would actually buy this. I would add the USS Enterprise and a Klingon Bird of Prey and maybe a Romulan Warbird. And no, I haven’t wake n baked yet.

Human error......playing "On Fire" by Van Halen too loud.

This guy, sure he can play with his balls and drive them 500 yards, but he sure can’t drive a car. He should have stuck with Buick.

As I am reading this article, I couldn’t help but picture bands Slayer or Carcass making a few songs from the words.

Fake engine noise is an abomination and should be ridden of in this universe.

I know, rename the Cherokee to the M715. Sounds better and adds military history back to the Jeep. Orrrrrr call it the Overland, again. 

1958 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa

I am not being sarcastic, but this book helped me love cars even more when I was around 4.

Sorta like this ad from the 50s (more like false advertising, but anywho):

I’m happy with our Mazda, just would be happier if an RX-7 successor was in the horizon. 

0% down, 144 month loan, and my monthly payments will still be more than my mortgage. But I want this soooo bad.

They are shades, hiding the droopy eyes because weed....

They are shades, hiding the droopy eyes because weed....