Dubblewhopper-a dubble negative

GM is screwed, they better start kissing up to CR or Edmunds. At least it might kill off those real people commercials for good.

Neutral: If a new Xterra becomes a reality, it will be pedestrian at best and more like the new Pathfinder. More like a Starbucks curb trawler than a rock crawler.

Watching the UAW is hilarious enough, though the crumbling, corrupt NRA is just as laughable as the union. 

I still how violent the car shakes upon start up.

12.5 HP!!! Feel the wind clear your sinuses and lift your wife's skirt to show some ankle!

Some are terrible, but at least they made it to the big leagues. Where as I am on the couch racing Mario Kart in my tighty whities.

Buncha thieving bastards, plain and simple.

A V-12 Golf GTI

I will never be an astronaut, but I consider myself a Starfleet commander. I have a gold uniform with Captain rank damn you! Bad analogy, though I hope full  autonomy will be here later than sooner.

Hell, if Sony made a full race car interior, including 360° screens for simulation games, I would buy that.

At least the Beetle is attractive, imagine someone bulletproofing a Yugo.

I said this before, but you can smuggle a few kilos in the 4 series grill.

I would, as a parting gift, stick it up trumps ass. But honestly, you’ll need more than 550,000 chargers. At minimum 1 million. 

“She got hit by a truck........"

I think the upcoming Celestiq would be awesome with a Blackwing or a 700 hp V12. But I can wish in one hand and shit in another......

The closest to a sappy song I love is "I'm Gonna Be Your God" by Slayer. Which is a cover of The Stooges "I Wanna Be Your Dog".

Son of Edsel Ford didn't have a good ring to it.

It was fun while it lasted, like whatever happened to DeTamaso and their new car? I haven't heard a whisper. Maybe some desperate company will buy Spyker.

Well yeah, I roll my windows down in -30° weather all the time. Not only does it kill germs, it will freeze anything and shrink everything. It also makes passengers quiet.