Dubble gz

If I can sound a mild note of alarm, I note both Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson are also both attached to the project, the latter as a “creative consultant.” These two have published something like a dozen Dune prequels and sequels which appeared to be an experiment in diminishing returns. So there’s talent here,

Indeed. Consider this classic menu:

Even if Roth has previously only written one science fiction film: Kevin Costner’s The Postman.

Wasn’t the statement by the Marvel exec more or less in support of the diversity of characters, and was just pointing out that the “fan response” has been negative, but that wont deter them from continuing their efforts?

True. I was drawn to the story based on the headline that seemed to indicate Marvel blamed women for the decline in sales so I clicked on it and . . . No, that’s not what Marvel said at all. It’s a clickbait article. It worked on me!

I will say the guy above gave me a much more clear sense of the original content you reference, gotta say it’s seems like you wanted to put more of a spin on small piece of his statement. I get that might be what stood out and the above comments may have seemed like dressing to cover what you thought were his rotten

No one is uncomfortable that this a roundtable where non-Asian writers talk about Asian Erasure? We couldn’t pull in someone who is actually Asian?

How so? I’m asking this honestly - in what way was this conversation at all surprising?

I didn’t get the vibe of the video representing all Japanese people. It’s another interesting perspective to add to the conversation. As an Asian American, I personally don’t think I represent Asian Americans as a whole, because I’m a unique individual. That’s why I couldn’t care either way about the whitewashing

Sorry but this shitshow of an article and worse I09's continued attacks against a film and actress who do not deserve to turned into nothing but fodder for the bottom dwelling writers of a quickly dying blog that has turned into a paradoy of what it once was, a place where films and shows were measured on merit while

“Looking at her career so far, I think Scarlett Johansson is well-cast,” Sam Yoshiba, director of the international business division at Kodansha’s headquarters in Tokyo, told The Hollywood Reporter (via AnimeNewsNetworkand RocketNews). “She has the cyberpunk feel. And we never imagined it would be a Japanese actress

Very well said and I share your opinions.

Eh, Deadspin/IO9, etc. never pass up a chance to throw a piss-fit about “race and identity”.

I have heard that argument, and it is not convincing.

The movie looks like a bad adaptation, missing the philosophical complexity of the original, I’ll watch it for the visuals but expect something like a D grade film.

Sorry, I’m really tired of this argument. She does Not look asian to me

Now playing

Not going to lie, I really wish at least one person on this panel had been able to say they’ve seen something more than the ‘95 movie.

Here’s my take on the whole thing about the casting on this. So they’re taking a big name Hollywood star to play the lead in a remake of a Japanese movie. So what? The original Ghost in the Shell movie is anime, and like most anime (in my experience) part of that culture is/was creating characters who look Western or

This. You’re being nice about it jason but the reality is destiny 1 is currently in fuck city. Everything has been nerfed to death in the name of balance, which we still don’t have.

Nah, I actually think this is what most players want. Current Destiny is a mess in terms of balancing, economy, leveling, and pretty much everything involving gear.