Dick Fiddler

Can you imagine Jim Harbaugh doing sprints in khakis? That would be incredible.

What kind of madman can listen to this and not feel anything? Good music is good music.

You can live with someone whose beliefs about how the government ought to allocate funds and what type of diplomatic approach the US should take with [foreign nation] differ from your own.

495 is the 10th Circle of Hell

I’m an uncreative and lazy man, so I’ll let Reddit do the talking.

I am hoping for a code brown moment for the Bay area.

Don’t let the incompetent officiating distract you from the fact that LeBron James did a self alley-oop in an NBA Finals elimination game.

I’m rooting hard for Cleveland to steal just the next one so we can see all of Warrior nation collectively shit their pants.

Sounds like he has more issues than Reader’s Digest.

I’d go WSM if you are smoking occasionally and have the time to tend a fire. If you are tighter on time and don’t mind giving up some flavor electric rules. It’s easy to throw a slab of ribs on and just let ‘er rip for 5-6 hours, only stopping to spray/flip every now and then.

I’d go WSM if you are smoking occasionally and have the time to tend a fire. If you are tighter on time and don’t

I know this is silly, because the dude has an objectively amazing life that I can barely even dream of.... but I feel bad for Lebron. Dude is playing put of his mind, and it doesn’t even matter, and now he’s going to take a shitload of undeserved criticism because he can’t somehow single-handedly beat the most

A similar hallway chat led to my all-time favorite Barkley quote:

“Hey...Remember when you went to Miami and you and Wade and Bosh did the big roll out at the MTV Awards?...Yeah...That was great.”

My god, have these playoffs been just awful. And as usual, me rooting for a team in the NBA is their death knell.

Please pardon me while I chortle smugly about subject-verb agreement.

Hold on [rips giant bowl hit] I actually think this is really smart. [Exhales. Coughs like a bitch]

I’ll buy this when it comes from someone who’s literally never spent money on anything frivolous. 25k could be as frivolous to him as the $25 you spent eating somewhere. You could have given that to a homeless dude for food.

Big Dog rocked the H*ll out of those shades!