
absolutely agree. Tesla is on my list of “cars to avoid”. Proudly sharing the space with FCA/Jeep and some other Peugeots... 

Best thing would probably be stay home.

*insert DeWalt power drill noises here*

can’t wait for david’s article in 2047: “I bought this piece of sh!t 2021 grand wagoneer at an auction in dallas texas, and towed it home with the help of otto torchinsky and his changli pickup”

By the time it hits production the interior will look like this:


It is like one of those punching boxes in cartoons, the screen folds down and bag fires out at your face.

100,000 dollars for this?! HahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaaahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaFord Expeditionhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahah

Seltos!  The freshmaker

That thing is a miserable piece of shit.  Just about every single major automotive publication hasn’t had much nice to say about them.

Photos need some love, Raph...

I saw the headline and the price tag and actually snorted.  I didn’t read another goddam word.  It wasn’t worth that when it was new, even if that was the price tag.


Thank god I’m too old for this shit.

Wow, you killed him. 

Hi, welcome from the year 2001.  Things are a bit hectic here in the year 2020, but here’s your complimentary face mask, and a joke book to update your material.

Here’s the new logo...