
I have a Cadillac DTS. I ended up replacing the whole suspension arm. It came with the bushings already in and a new riveted in ball joint. So I was able to knock everything out in one go. Are you suspension arm bushing press in? If so, it’s not going to be fun. It may be more economical to just replace the whole

Should’ve gotten it! The Northstars were/are known to lose head gaskets due to lifting head bolts. The bolts would strip in the block. Once that happened, you’d lose compression in the cylinders and the coolant would seep into the combustion. The fix was to pull the motor, tap the bolt holes in the block, put

Lol, did Ford reverse engineer a Cadillac Northstar engine and turn it into a 4 cylinder? Hell, even Northstars go longer than these before they fail the headgasket at least.

If he thinks they geared this so fucked up that it accelerates this slow, he went full retard. I hope he knows the slow acceleration was the preservation of the tires, not some gear ratio change. Sigh.... I hope he didn’t do the full retard.

Buuuuuttttt....... Did the deer die?

Buuuut, how do you know? What if said fireball caused the rest of the fuel to burn...? Fireball causes more fire seems more plausible to me than fireball creates compression wave that ignites other flammable material. Just sayin...


Lol you poor. You finance? Pshh. If you can’t pay 25mil cash, then stay away from me. Don’t even reply. I don’t want your disease.

Holy shit you’re ignorant as fuck. I don’t even have words to accurately describe my anger and extreme disappointment in another black man spouting this BS.

A lot of people that rely on public transportation, can’t afford a car. So... Oh well. Should I get rid of my car because others can’t afford a car? Should we get rid of ride hail apps because certain people can’t afford them? Not my fault I can afford a car or an Uber ride. Rather take that then the public

Suspension doesn’t look too beefy. The suspension arms look wimpy. I dunno. And ground clearance.... I’d rather just stick with a Humvee. If they raised this a bit, put better suspension components on it and maybe a better rim/tire combo on it, it wouldn’t be so bad. Tires are kinda skinny in this. Reminds me of old

I’ve got an 07 S6 too. I now have 91k on it. I’ve had it about 4 years. It came with about 45k on it. No problems out of it except for now. The exhaust flex pipe cracked and makes the car loud as hell. And it’s got a huge oil leak. The oil leak is coming from up top though from the oil filter tube o-rings. I’m gonna

Drift bro forgot he was flying.

Lol, Ft. Hamilton can be reached by water? Where? Last time I checked, there was no port. Look at a map, or better yet, drive over there and look for yourself.

Yea I’ve got a bunch of pics. I flew a lot on these in Iraq so I have a lot of aerial photos as well. Those two birds in the pic that look like we ran a chop shop were exactly that. We couldn’t get parts into Iraq back then(2003-2004) because of logistics issues. So we took the two most raggedy birds we had and

I like it

Dude who you tellin!? But it was a fun time though. Miss aviation life. I’ve been out since 08. But it feels like yesterday sometimes.

I had a lot of fun in the Army fixing on these. These are from Iraq.

I live in the US. My girlfriend, before we got together, had never seen a handgun either. There are plenty of places in the US where you will never see a handgun. She made it 30 years before she saw mine. So you’re naive to think that because you live in Canada, that is the reason for your lack of exposure to