Dani Trejo

Thank you. This is a bad argument and it crops up every single time we talk about renaming something or removing a statue. Removing or renaming a monument is NOT erasing it from history books.

Totally agree here. It’s not our fault, but we’re so conditioned to not upset men, not rock the boat, not be “uncool” or “dramatic”, that I think we’re way too okay with letting men treat us like this. I am NOT blaming Grace, or any woman, for their experience. But I do want us all to be more vocal about our needs and

I’m the total opposite! Adam Driver, meh. Kylo Ren specifically, 10/10, would bang, would turn to the dark side and rule the galaxy with.

Hahahaha I just laughed so hard at this my husband thinks I’m nuts.

if I were a cartoon Wolf, there would be steam coming out of my ears.

For sure. I was like “can I be nothing to everyone but you, too??”

I just saw it and...yes. Yes I did. The confused feelings are wayyyy worse. He looked at Rey like he wanted to friggin eat her, and it gets me all worked up!

Thank you. I haven’t even seen Last Jedi yet, but something about him in The Force Awakens got me all tingly in my girl parts. I was pretty sure I was over having feelings for the “bad boy” because my husband is the 100% nicest guy ever...and then he got all mind-meldy on Rey and I was like...oh wait.

Yes. I fucking hate articles that start with some shit like, “[Gorgeous Celebrity A] has a natural glow about her that you’d assume could only come from hours in the yoga studio, and a diet of 3 kale leaves per day. But when we sat down at [swanky LA hotel restaurant] for this interview, she noshed on a juicy double

He’s sexy if you have eyeballs and a pulse.

Even just peeing would make some noise. As would chewing. What if you snored?

That’s JUST what I was thinking. It’s uncanny!!

I don’t know you well enough to go into that.

That’s some shit. I work at a restaurant that regularly does buyouts, and we ALWAYS distribute the whole gratuity to the staff.

Dead. I’m dead.

“Hey Betsy, what kind of windows do you want?”

Jesus that seems really patronizing. Why is this so difficult?

I fucking looooooove Escape to the Country. The gardens!!!

Jonathan Brandis was pretty much my first childhood celeb crush. Other girls were all about JTT, but the only Jonathan in my heart was Brandis. (Although I just looked him up, and JTT grew up into one handsome man.)

I can’t even fucking believe this.