
You forgot "and Peter King"

In all honesty I think anyone who is looking at a suspension is going to get off easy until the Ginger Hammer finally rules on the Irsay situation. He can't throw the book at the players and then let Irsay off with a slap on the wrist. This ruling on Rice just makes it easier for him to let Irsay slide. Obviously

Brandon Browner was given a one year suspension for not participating in NFL drug testing while he was not an NFL player.

The Squenix bashing in these threads leads me to believe some people didn't read the article thoroughly. This is a case of Sky making a kneejerk reaction because he was the project lead and wanted to stick it to Square Enix...and then throwing a fit in a blog post to make himself look like a martyr when after they had

In summary:
Guy that edit and hacks copirighted material wants you to believe that Square Enix sucks.

Looks like another tale of someone holding a 'leadership' position whom lacks the maturity, mental capacity, and capability to do so. Classic.

I wouldn't say even half of those are actually mysteries. The Snake one for example Ghostcrawler said during a blizzcon panel (the question was asked by Jess Cox if I remember correctly) that it was something the art department did but they never had any intention of some kind of giant snake boss. Then you have the

The ironic thing is that this looks like it's going to be his best-charting album ever. Billboard picks it as #1 or #2 between him and Jason Mraz. I don't think he's ever charted above #9. Charts only mean so much, of course, but how many acts that have been around as long as he has are having their greatest success

On a happier note there are some advancements to be thankful for. I recall a time when these gigantic idiot-proofing plastic rectangles weren't there and it was a million times easier to screw up a cable connection and fry something. In the past I once offset a power connector by 2 pins and made a nice puff of smoke

They really should bring back the Special Edition Madden with Sunday Ticket on your PC for $100. That was a steal.

omg, so I'm not alone?!

Well The Living Daylights was written for Roger Moore, so Licence is technically Dalton's first real outing. However on top of the crazy plan to smuggle drugs in, I loved Wayne Newton's creepy cult/dear leader vibe.

The Vikings finding a reason to get rid of Kluwe was underhanded, but in the end, fair game. Him getting on a public forum and calling them out for being ass-backwards and bigoted, also fair game. Them going on a PR kick and promising to investigate was a good call, so when they hide their findings, calling them out

I think Kluwe is right. I also think he is a pretty decent writer based on his work here.

My fellow Jalops,

I ignore all list thats write off Lazenby, his one movie was great.

I'd say it's a good Bond film, but not a great Bond film. The thing about the Brocolli family is that they decide they want to make a "dark" film every half-dozen or so films. Think On Her Majesty's Secret Service and Quantum of Solace/Skyfall and, of course, License To Kill.

Nerf mages.

It took me about 15 seconds to realize that they were, in fact, speaking English.

It was still substantially more entertaining than baseball.