It’s directed by the guy who did Type:0, which although the port had issues, was fantastic.
It’s directed by the guy who did Type:0, which although the port had issues, was fantastic.
“What’s more, the ambivalence to Nazi iconography could also be because a counterclockwise swastika, or manji as it’s called in Japanese, is traditionally used in Japan on maps to denote Buddhist temples.”
I agree. For a one-off adventure, or certain RPGs without character attachment (Paranoia, for example), pre-gens are fine, and a quick way to get into the fun.
It’s weird and fun to me to see how they are fleshing out many of the old modules I played when I was younger. Like Ravenloft and Temple of Elemental Evil.
Eh... Sometimes one-offs are fine for pre-gened characters. And it can be fun to RP a character type you wouldn’t normally build
Are these people your actual friends? If I were you I’d find new players.
OotA is a campaign with great potential, but aside from some interesting moments, it’s kind of a slog. A whole lot of foraging and traveling surrounded the more intriguing fun bits. And it’s good with its’ starter setting, takes everyone and sticks them in a common starting situation, but from there it provides…
While I get what you are saying, in that this technique can be used as a time savor, this doesn’t really take into account that some stories are tied to the setting they are based in.
Was young and stupid. No license. Borrowed someone else’s car for “party”run to the city.
“Low-angle end-zone photographs already make the NFL look like a video game”
If they release Blue Mage, I might have to quit my life and resubscribe.
I think it depends on how the ball is hit. If it pulls or pushes it away, it’s off the spikes, but if it pushes the ball into the spikes, it stays. At least that how it seems to work when you bump the ball/spike car.
“Every few seconds, random power-ups spawn on the field of play giving each car a different special ability for a limited amount of time.”
Hey Ethan!
Why does the Title define this as a “New PS4 game,” yet the very first line in the article states it as multi-platform?
How is P5 reviewing?
I doubt Persona will top FFXV. Persona certainly has its’ share of fans, and they tend to be very dedicated and have a high attachment/purchase rate, but it is more of a niche group and has never established the mainstream casual appeal of FF.
My wife has bought it. I’m going to have a real hard time trying to keep it spoiler free and not watching her play, while waiting on an English release.
Yeah, I imagine it has a lot to do with the original song/soundtrack use contracts.