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    Sure, Jan.

    Isn’t that just a Nissan Leaf?

    I’m sorry for your loss.

    Dang, you must be a blast to hang out with.

    You won’t be missed.

    Wait, so you think mentally disabled people are stupid?  That’s pretty closed minded of you.

    Great for towing.... Yeah, if you want to recharge about every 75 miles.


    “Switching to Tow mode comes with some ominous foreshadowing, as the R1T’s indicated range disappears, instantly going from 270 miles to 103. So, for all intents and purposes,

    Great for towing.... Yeah, if you want to recharge about every 75 miles.


    “Switching to Tow mode comes with some ominous foreshadowing, as the R1T’s indicated range disappears, instantly going from 270 miles to 103. So, for all intents and purposes,

    I’ve personally never heard or seen anyone with autism called “retarded”.  Only a deplorable person would say that.  Deplorable people will always be deplorable, and we can’t go around policing speech because of that.  Casual slang term use of the word “retarded” is very common, and 99.9% of the time it is not a

    He didn’t use any specific mental disability, like Down Syndrome. “Retard” is no longer a slur for mentally disabled people, and hasn’t been for quite some time. It’s a slang term for stupid/ignorant people or things. No one thinks of a mentally disabled person when the term “retarded” is used. If you do, that’s kinda

    I cannot unsee the neck’gina

    Quality shitpost!  *applause*

    I don’t need to drive a crummy 80's RWD econo coupe to know that GR86 is better car, and not just in pure performance numbers.

    This is a laughable statement.

    You’re not buying a Corvette if you can afford a Porsche.

    Good luck finding a 1st gen Highlander with side curtain airbags or similar safety features as this 2016 Journey...

    Okay Internet Daddy, I’ll go home. I was trying to get you to quit the internet, I only managed to get you really upset and angry. Maybe next time!

    I’ve been trolling since before you were born, son. You’ll KNOW when I'm trolling.

    Okay buddy, time to go back to your Safe Space.  The world is a little to real out there for you.  Back to Imagination Land.

    Oh, they’re not blurry, they just used the iPhone’s lame and poor quality “Portrait Mode”. You can see all the digital artifacts of the post processing technology not being sure what to put in focus or out of focus.  Classic Apple.