welcome back
welcome back
You’re always on the money Dom.
Rajon Rondo has spent much of his career trying to find new ways to make himself the most annoying person on the court. It’s impressive, then, that after 12 years in the NBA he still has ideas as fresh as this one
Dear Deadspin,
How the fuck did you not manage to title this “Portnoy’s Complaint: Barstool is too racist” ???
Uncle Milty
Dept. of Witty Literary References
Gregg was blindsided by the news.
Alan Parsons Project: “Games People Play”
“I bet he knows the score, though.”
Easy answer, suspend him over the field of play ala the spidercam. I’m not saying we’d have to call it “The Hanging Booger” but it’s an idea.
Ben Simmons almost turned him into Joel Embid.
In recent years, the Yankees have been very comfortable with a rapidly declining SS in their lineup. Gotta re2pect the move here.
When making chicken salad out of chicken shit, just add Mayock.
“Daddy, why is this song called ‘Windows 95'?”
Well when I overthrow your weak government and take over the world, I will make it so that anytime someone says “Oh I remember that song from ____ commercial!” or starts singing along with an ad, they get pushed into a meat grinder. We will then vacuum pack and sell the ground idiots and sell them back to the people. …
Also, Carrie Underwood can GTFO with that “women build up other women” shit. That’s the kind of bullshit Kellyanne Conaway tries to pull when people (rightfully) call her out for her terrible positions.
I’ve been using “clap’s back” for years.
Look at who’s doing these songs. It’s Hank Williams Jr., Carrie Underwood, Faith Hill. It’s a play to get the Bud Lite-riding-on-an-ATV crowd all riled up for the game. Oh, and sometimes give Jerry Richardson a boner.
I mean ... fifth in European ELO, second in 538's SPI among teams in the competition, and one loss in the last two months all seem fine, even if they struggled early this season
It’s embarrassing how often “lose” is spelled as “loose.”
I too pretended my account was hacked after my wife saw my Insta story
Do they have to give the money back?