“Football players shot in shooting” In other headlines today, “Burt Reynolds died a death”
“Football players shot in shooting” In other headlines today, “Burt Reynolds died a death”
My favorite Counterpoint:
“It’s there’s savvy here?” Is that coachspeak too?
You’re saying you want the pipe?
He is pretty, isn’t he?
“doomed by be steamrolled”? There’s also an indefinite article missing in the fourth line of the second graf, and the antecedent for “they” in the second line of the final graf is obviously supposed to be the Celtics, but it is not—it is the Sixers. Does anyone care enough to make these corrections? I didn’t think so.
Only a Canadian would substitute Mahovolich (as in Frank, hockey player) for Maravich (as in Pete, basketball player). Still, good comment.
“Yeah, JEETS!”
Oooh. You put a punch hole in that’s guy’s badge. One more and he’s banned.
“Meaningly”? That’s meaningless.
“A Season in Hell”—wasn’t that the name of Eddie and the Cruisers’ follow-up album to “On the Dark Side”? You know, the one that was too artsy for the record company?
Trump is not Catholic. He grew up Episcopalian and now professes to believe some variety of the Prosperity Gospel, which can be found in a number of evangelical Protestant denominations. But never Catholic.
+1 girl with low self-esteem.
Who’s the better real-life Poochie: Scrappy Doo or the Great Gazoo?
Hinkie didn’t draft Simmons, he was already fired by then. He did make 13 draft picks between 2013 and 2015, and other than Embiid, none of them is on the Sixers’ roster. He also made a shitload of trades, bringing his team absolutely nothing of value. True genius at work. I can see why you want to give him all the…
What’s bad about that is that instead of being smart and appointing someone who will run in 2018 and be a strong candidate (like Keith Ellison or Betty McCollum), the governor will appoint his Lt. Gov, who is known by nobody and will not even run for the office. So instead of having a popular, incumbent senator in…
Injury updates? You have got to be fisting me. Injury updates are the justification for sideline reporters, the single most useless job on the planet. When some guy is shown with the lower part of his leg at a right angle to the rest of it, I don’t need Michelle Tafoya to tell me that he’s “doubtful to return.”
He stood for the national anthem, which is the single most important quality a quarterback can have, I guess.
Tom Brady is another example.
He lost his Gob.